How to use the Lazy Predict library to select the best machine learning model

Using the best machine learning tools to answer the right questions

Kuan Rong Chan, Ph.D.
Omics Diary
8 min readNov 27, 2021


Machine learning is a hot topic in data science, but few people understand the fundamental concepts behind them. You may be fascinated by how people get high paying jobs because they know how to execute machine learning, only to be quickly intimidated by the sophisticated theorems and mathematics behind machine learning. While I am no machine learning expert, I hope to provide some basics about machine learning and how you can potentially use Python to perform machine learning.

With all the available machine learning tools available at your fingertips, it is often tempting to jump straight into solving a data-related problem by running your favourite algorithm. However, this is usually a bad way to begin your analysis. In fact, executing machine learning algorithms plays only a small part of data analysis and the decision making process. To make proper use of machine learning, I would recommend you to take a step back and look at the research question from a helicopter view. What are you trying to answer? Are you trying to classify severe and mild dengue cases based on cytokine levels? Or are you predicting antibody responses based on gene expression levels? Or do you have an end-goal in mind?

Often, the research question will define the machine learning model to execute, and this is highly dependent on your explanatory variables and test variables. It is also dependent on whether you prefer a supervised or unsupervised learning of your dataset. Another point to consider is to define the impact of using machine learning. Does it help the company to save money? Would it have a positive impact on clinical practice? If you cannot envision an impact, then it may not be worth the trouble to use machine learning after all.

Once you have an end-goal in mind, you are now ready to use machine learning tools to analyse your data. However, before that, it is critical to ensure that your data is of good quality. As the saying goes, garbage in = garbage out. Your machine learning will not be able to resurrect and learn a poor quality dataset. Next, it is also important to have a reasonable sensing of your dataset. Specifically, are there any outliers in your dataset? If there are, is it worth removing or changing them before performing machine learning? Does your dataset have high variance and require a Z-score transformation for better prediction? Based on these questions, it is often a good idea to use data visualisation tools to understand your dataset before performing machine learning. A quick way to obtain a sensing of the data is to type in the following code in your dataframe (assigned as df in my example):

Another way to have a sensing of the data is to use the correlation matrix using the command (but do note that correlation does not capture non-linear relationships):

Histograms can be used for quick sensing of the distribution of data. To plot histograms for each variable, I recommend using the Lux package, which I have previously updated in my blog.

After preparing your dataset, then it is time to use the machine learning algorithms. At this point, you hope to find a model that can best represent your data. A reasonable solution can be to split your data into two sets: the training set and the test set (see figure below). Usually, approximately 70% — 80% of the data is used for training and the other 20% — 30% will be used as test to evaluate the accuracy of the model. If you have several models that perform equally well, you may even consider doing a validation set or cross-validation set to ascertain which model would best describe the data.

Next, there are so many machine learning models, which should I choose for training and prediction? Which model should I start exploring? Should I fit every single model that I have learnt and try my luck and see which models work for me the best?

Indeed, these questions cannot be easily answered, especially for beginners. However, there are some packages that can make your life simpler. One such package is the LazyPredict, which ranks the machine learning models that will most likely be suitable. The LazyPredict contains both Lazy Classifier and Lazy Regressor that can allow you to predict binary and continuous variables respectively.

To install the lazypredict package, execute the following code:

The lazypredict package will require XGBoost and LightGBM extensions to be functional. Execute the following commands in terminal:

Now you are ready to analyse with machine learning. First, import the essential packages and execute matplotlib inline to bypass the need to type print() for plotting graphs:

We will import the iris dataset as an example. In this exercise, we will predict sepal width from the iris dataset using machine learning:

Ouput is as follows. The dataframe contains values for sepal length/width, petal length/width, species (setosa, versicolour, virginica) and species id (where setosa = 1, versicolour = 2, virginica = 3):

As mentioned earlier, before doing machine learning, it is a good practice to “sense” your data to know which machine learning model will likely fit your data. You can perform a pair plot in this case to understand the distribution of your dataset. Some critical considerations include, (i) detecting presence of outliers, (ii) whether the relationship between variables follow a linear or non-linear relationship and (iii) distribution of variables follow a gaussian or skewed relationship. Plotting a pair plot in python is easy:

Output is as follows:

The data suggest that there are no big anomalies within the data, and most of the variables follow a linear relationship. At this point, we may not know which variable best predicts “sepal width” as it is not obvious. Notice that we have not considered the “species” variable in our analysis. The “species” variable contains 3 categories, namely setosa, versicolour, virginica. One possibility of processing the categorical data is to assign different numbers to it, as shown in the “species ID” column, where setosa = 1, versicolour = 2 and virginica = 3. However, in this case, assigning these respective variables may not be appropriate as this may seem like virginica is more important than versicolour, and versicolour is more important than setosa. To circumvent this issue, we can use the one-hot encoding of the data, which assigns binary numbers (1 or 0) to the individual categories. Fortunately, the conversion is relatively easy to execute in python:

Note that the output of the flower types is now denoted as 1 or 0:

Each categorical variable is assigned with equal weightage, where species are assigned as 1 or 0, where 1 indicates “yes” and 0 indicates “no”. We also drop the species ID column as we have already assigned the categories using the get_dummies function.

Now that all columns are converted to numerical values, we are ready to use the lazypredict package to see which machine learning model is best in predicting sepal width. We first import the required packages:

Next, we use lazypredict to identify the machine learning regressor model that can potentially predict sepal width:

The above commands define that the explanatory variables are in X, and the response variable (sepal width) in Y. Hence, we drop the columns for sepal width for X and filter the column with sepal width in Y. The test size in this case is 20% of the data and the training size is 80%. It is a good habit to specify the random state in case we want to run this same analysis on a different day. The snapshot of the output is as follows:

Here we go. We have identified SVR, NuSVR, K-Neighbors Regressor, Random Forest Regressor and Gradient Boosting Regressor as the top 5 models (with R2 values of ~0.7), which is not bad for a start! Of course, we can further refine the models by hyperparameter tuning to explore if we can further improve our predictions.

To predict categorical samples, you can use the Lazy Classifier from Lazy Predict package. Let’s assume this time we are interested in whether the sepal and petal length/width can be used to predict the species, versicolor. First, import the necessary packages:

The Lazy Classifier can then be executed with the following command:

Note that I have dropped the columns for the other flowers as we are interested in predicting versicolor from the petal and sepal length/width. This shows that the research question is critical for machine learning! The output is as follows:

This output suggests that K-Neighbours Classifier, SVC, Ada Boost Classifier, XGB Classifier and Random Forest Classifiers can be potentially explored as machine learning models to predict the versicolor species. You can further refine the model by hyperparameter tuning to improve the accuracy.

Overall, Lazy Predict can be a handy tool for selecting which of the 36 machine learning models is most suitable for your predicting your response variable before testing against the hyperparameters. Certainly a good starting point for beginners venturing into machine learning!



Kuan Rong Chan, Ph.D.
Omics Diary

Kuan Rong Chan, PhD, Senior Principal Research Scientist in Duke-NUS Medical School. Virologist | Data Scientist | Loves mahjong | Website: