Four Ed Grimley SNL Skits that STILL Have Me ROTFLMAO

Old Dude
Published in
4 min readDec 17, 2019

Martin Short is the comedic genius behind the Saturday Night Live character Ed Gimley. Although Martin Short created the character before his time on SNL, “I must say”, it was definitely on SNL that Ed Grimley became a household name.

“It makes me completely mental” to remember back to the 80’s when I was a teenager and I tried my best to be home on Saturday night for the start of SNL. No, there were no HD recorders back then, which would have totally made my life easier. Yes, there were VHS players but we didn’t own one. So that would leave me to have to be home to watch SNL live the way it should be.

When I was out on a Saturday night and could not make it home on time for SNL,` I would drag whatever friend I was out with to my sister’s house to watch SNL with her. My sister didn’t mind us coming over since she had a baby to take care of … she enjoyed the company.

She was also great about having snacks, or she would outright cook for us. We would gather in front of the TV and literally roll on the floor laughing at the antics of Ed Grimley.

When I remember back to my sister’s apartment on Saturday nights hanging out, bringing all kinds of different friends over, eating, and laughing hysterically to SNL it brings back the best memories.

So maybe together we can remember Ed in four of my favorite Ed Grimley skits on SNL.

They are not in any kind of order and certainly not all the great ones are listed. These are just a few to jar the old memory banks of laughing so hard you started coughing, or you peed your pants, or threw up a little.

Ed Grimley Plays the Triangle

One of my favorite bits of Ed Grimley is of him playing the triangle.

I was in the band in high school and I remember the kid who played the triangle. Maybe he grew up to be like Ed? This is what makes this skit so funny to me.

If you remember, Ed would put on music and dance around like only he could. The timing and missteps it took to hit the triangle at the precise time in the music was perfect comedy genius.

An Ed Grimley Thanksgiving

Oh, another favorite is the Thanksgiving one where Ed looks through his telescope into a neighbor’s window (like we all do, but I don’t recommend), and he witnessed\s the neighbor killing his wife.

After calling the police and having the neighbor come over to kill Ed for witnessing the murder, Ed’s twin-looking father arrives to pickup Ed to take him to his family Thanksgiving. Ed’s father saves his son and they leave to have dinner. That can only happen to Ed!

Ed Grimley and Pat Sajak

The Wheel of Fortune skit was a blast.

Ed goes to be interviewed as a potential contestant for Wheel of Fortune and, unknown to him, the person doing the interview had just tried to kill himself by jumping out his high rise window.

But instead, the interviewer decided to see one more contestant.

Give me a break” … after some discussion the interviewer decides to book Ed.

As an excited Ed leaves the interview, takes the elevator, and exits the building, the interviewer drops onto Ed’s head after he obviously jumped from his office window.

Okay, that kind of shocked me but was so funny because Ed broke the jumper’s fall and they both leave together to have coffee. Oh, Ed, you crazy kid!

Ed Grimley and Reverend Jesse Jackson

How about the one where Ed is seated next to the Reverend Jesse Jackson on a first class flight. After Ed talks the Reverend’s leg off and all sanity and religious restraint is almost lost, Ed seems to calm down until…

Ed sees something on the wing. In this classic spoof of William Shatner and The Twilight Zone, Ed does it again and makes me laugh so hard.

So, yeah, Ed Grimley via Martin Short got my attention on Saturday nights.

I sure didn’t have the guts to be a professional comedian, but I was a class clown, so I appreciated how Martin Short brought Ed Grimley to life on SNL.

I admire those who can make you laugh out loud.

No, LOL was not invented yet. I actually mean, laughing out loud and rolling on the floor like only old SNL can make me do.

And, one last thing …

I’ve heard some people say that Ed Grimley is creepy, maybe even scary.

That he fits right in with the My Buddy/Chucky twins as one of the most disturbing bits of pop culture from the 1980s.

To which I say … nah!

Unless, of course, you’re referring to the Ed Grimley doll

ed grimley snl doll

*mic drop*

*pants peed*

*run for the door*

If you liked this post, you might also enjoy our rundown of four classic Mr. Robinson’s Neighborhood skits from SNL’s glory days.

