Why the SNL Frankenstein Monster Is All of Us … ARRRRGGGGGHHHH!!

Old Dude
Published in
4 min readJan 3, 2020

You know what the SNL Frankenstein character and you (and me) have in common?

I’ll tell you what — the world is complicated and scary and overwhelming … full of funny sounds and bad smells.

Very often, we just don’t know what to say. BREAD!

And yet … we all want to be part of it in some way or another.

So we hike up our pants so the cuffs don’t drag across the bathroom floor.

And we take a deep breath, no matter how foul — or fowl or wet-canine or crappy — the air may smell.

And we tighten our neck bolts.

snk Frankenstein snl

And … we take our place in the holiday chorus line and belt out the tunes with our stilted, rocky voices, even though we don’t really know the words.

If we’re lucky, Tarzan and Tonto are there with us, as they were with Phil Hartman’s Frankenstein on the SNL in the 1980s.

And if we find ourselves alone, as Frankie did on into the 90s on Saturday Night Live?

No worries — we’ll keep right on singing, no matter what the audience may think of us.

I mean, a dude reaches a certain age — or gathers enough replacement body parts and is reanimated enough times — and he just has to start living for him.

Here are some of the best moments of our beloved SNL Frankenstein, living for him … society’s norms be damned.

Be thankful you knew him …

Wait For It at 1:15

So, what do you imagine a Tonto, a Tarzan, and a Frankenstein might be thankful for?

And do you think they’d even celebrate Thanksgiving?

Well, yeah, they would. Remember that whole “want to be a part of it” thing?

The gents run through some of their blessings in the clip below, but you have to figure Frankenstein is being most truthful.

Even has a Freudian slip regarding the hot stuff.

Budget Cuts

And don’t forget … just because someone may not articulate the same way you do, that doesn’t mean he can’t get his point across.

Or that his point is any less valid.

Here is Frankie setting the masses straight on possible governmental budget cuts …

Fa la la la la

You know how it goes in life, right?

The flashy, pretty boys get all the attention. Get to stand there in the center of it all with their shirts off.

Their pecs bulging.

Singing melody.

But behind every glamour guy like Tarzan and every sidekick like Tonto, you have to have the solid, steady beat.

Tarzan in the bass, man, and that don’t rhyme with “ass.”

That is to say, he keeps the Monosyllabic Beatles together like a real ace.


Thanksgiving Hat

And just a couple of parting shots to remind you how “you” SNL Frankenstein is.

I mean, your clothes never fit quite right … right?

And that hat you think is cool? Oh, mama. SMH

Frakenstein sln 1

Christmas Snow

And you always look like this in pictures.

I know. I’ve seen you.

Especially in family pictures.

And there’s always that one cousin who points out exactly what kind of “cramp” your mouth has assumed.

It’s bad.

But you’re not alone.

Frakenstein sln 2

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