Why Omise has landed on Medium?

Palin M.
Published in
3 min readNov 2, 2017

Omise is a fintech startup providing a payments platform that allows businesses to securely and seamlessly accept payments. As far as you can see, a fintech startup has nothing to do with blog and content writing. However, you are reading this on Medium, a so-called blog publishing platform, and probably wondering what Omise is doing here.

We believe that a great product doesn’t come from one hand. In this context, one hand doesn’t mean a single developer, but it means all of us at Omise. It is pointless to shift a product to a community with no eyes to see its value. Therefore, we need to build a strong community and raise awareness of how our product could make everyone’s lives better. Omise has landed its blog series on Medium for reasons. Let me share with you some of them.

Great stories are meant to be told

Omise is a financial service provider and, of course, our product is not an object. We cannot just take a photo of our product, hang it on a billboard, and expect people to understand. With the nature of our products, common marketing initiatives like billboard placements would hardly bring conversions, without having solid information or content to support. Imagine you found us on an empty website with barely any information. Would you be convinced to sign up with us?

However, Omise has come with great stories behind and why not to share it. Our blog is not just educating the community, but also creating credibility to the business. It is and will always be company’s real estate with increasing value. Our blog will tell our story and be our voice.

Tie a bond to community

Hard to refuse that Medium community is huge and generous to let anyone be a writer and reach a large existing audience. While keeping the engagement on Omise’s current blog and social media channels is important, we are also reaching out for new audience and moving on to a bigger scale.

Medium is a great community with savvy and thoughtful content worthwhile to read. It allows more and more readers from all over the world to see our content. Medium is not just a publishing tool, it is a network which connects writers and readers, sharers and receivers, ideas and initiatives.

Craft to satisfy cravings

Another thing that makes Medium a good fit for Omise blog or even any other publications is that it allows the writers to track the engagement rate. Medium provides useful tools and metrics to help you understand the current trend for your content and publication. By seeing the amount of views and actual reads, it gives you the hint of how well your content catches attention from the beginning to the end.

Observing and monitoring the trend does not only benefit the content creators, but the readers also get the advantage of the content optimization. Writers can adapt and deliver the right content to achieve more reads, in the meantime, readers are more satisfied too.

These are just a few of our thoughts to be present here on Medium. Our goal is to share good stuff, build a bonded community, and give back what we have achieved. We are looking forward to share series of blogs from various fields of work including Marketing, HR, Developer, IT Security etc. Never miss a thing by following us at Omise publication.

Last but not least, do not be afraid to write. Writing is not reserved for some specific career titles or particular business industries. Everyone is encouraged to express their ideas and knowledge through words. Start writing yours on Medium today and find endless power inside of you. It’s time to give back to the community.

