Remote working is here to stay — Here’s why

Stacey Babi
Published in
3 min readJul 5, 2019
Photo by Unsplash on Unsplash

You probably can’t count how many days you’ve woken up wanting to stay at home and work in your pajamas all day. How many weekend beach trips that have been cut short because you need to be at the office come Monday morning. Some of you have probably missed out on precious family moments because you’re always in a rush to beat to the morning commute.

One of the great benefits when working for Omise is having the option to work remotely, allowing you to live and work flexibly.

I believe most people write out a wish list of things they are looking for when they are in the market for a new home, a new partner, or a new car, etc. because setting standards can’t hurt. That same energy can be used when looking for a new job.

Before I began researching job opportunities, I made a list of “ideal wants”. The list included flexible work hours, positive and communicative office culture, minimal micro-managing, and a coffee machine. Number ONE on my wish list, however, was ‘the ability to work remotely!’ Working remotely was never an option for me before so when I received the job offer from Omise, I was looking forward to enjoying working from coffee shops, the beach or in the comfort of my home. However, upon arriving, I began to understand that working remotely served more purposes than I had recognized.

Photo by Tim Gouw on Unsplash

Given the congestion throughout the city of Bangkok, many Omisians find themselves in hours of traffic multiple times a week. Working remotely allows us to not only save on transportation costs but to use our time more productively.

In terms of family life, there are plenty of benefits to working remotely. You have more time to spend with your family, whether it’s having the morning to interact with your spouse and/or children or leaving the office early to take care of a pet or a loved one at home. After speaking to a few Omisians, a balanced family and work life is often a high priority.

Photo by Manuel Meza on Unsplash

Being able to communicate freely and effectively is a major component of Omise’s culture. We are provided with many tools and resources that allow us to connect within our teams and general entities. Omisians are responsible beings and we know that with great freedom comes great responsibility. Every one of us is trusted by our colleagues to deliver our productive best whether we choose to be in the office or to be remote. If everyone (of those who have the option to work remotely) decided to work from home, it is trusted that work will continue as it normally would should we all be in the office. It’s a testament to our core values and the level of our communication skills.

As a foreigner and avid traveler, I gravitated to Omise because of the opportunity to have a great work-life balance. I appreciate having the option to extend my weekend when traveling around the country. I personally value slower mornings, working from a relaxing location, or even taking a break for a quick workout. All of these possibilities allow me to focus on my work from a place of joy and appreciation. Not everyone functions properly early morning and others may lose focus after 2PM. A few might prefer to work in complete silence, while some need conversation every now and then.

Omise honors the fact that we all operate differently. Overall, what’s most important to the company is that you’re participating with your team, communicating effectively and your task gets completed. Given our trust-based and flexible environment, every employee holds themselves more accountable for their work and contributions.

