How to Automate Invoice Processing Using AWS Textract Services

Anastasiia Shterpak
Published in
7 min readAug 7, 2023
Payment Automation

Manual invoice processing has long been a time-consuming and error-prone task for businesses of all sizes. The traditional approach to handling invoices involves manually entering data, verifying details, and reconciling information, leading to inefficiencies and increased operational costs. Inaccuracies in manual data entry can lead to costly mistakes, delays in payment, and strained supplier relationships. Recognizing these challenges, businesses are turning to modern technologies to streamline their operations and optimize invoice processing.

Introduction to AWS Textract and Its Capabilities in Automating Document Extraction

Enter Amazon Textract, a revolutionary machine learning service by Amazon Web Services (AWS), poised to transform the way businesses manage their invoice processing. Amazon Textract goes beyond conventional Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology, offering advanced capabilities in identifying, understanding, and extracting data from a diverse range of documents, including invoices, forms, and tables. By harnessing the power of machine learning, AWS Textract enables businesses to automate data extraction, enhance accuracy, and drive operational efficiency.

Benefits of Automating Invoice Processing

Time and Cost Savings

The automation of invoice processing with AWS Textract translates into significant time and cost savings for businesses. The manual efforts associated with data entry, verification, and reconciliation are replaced by a swift and accurate automated process. This allows staff to focus on value-added tasks, driving overall productivity.

Reduced Errors and Improved Accuracy

Human errors are an inherent risk in manual invoice processing. Misinterpretations, typos, and data entry mistakes can have far-reaching consequences. AWS Textract’s advanced machine learning algorithms dramatically reduce the likelihood of errors, ensuring that extracted data is precise and dependable.

Enhanced Scalability and Efficiency

With the growth of a business, invoice processing demands can escalate rapidly. AWS Textract’s scalability ensures that the solution seamlessly adapts to varying volumes of documents. This level of efficiency enables businesses to maintain high levels of service without compromising accuracy.

Overview of AWS Textract

Explanation of AWS Textract and Its Role in Document Processing

Amazon Textract is a game-changing tool that leverages artificial intelligence and machine learning to unlock valuable insights from documents. Unlike traditional OCR systems that focus on text extraction alone, Textract can also identify complex structures within documents, such as tables and forms. This means it can extract both structured and unstructured data with unparalleled precision.

Features: Optical Character Recognition (OCR), Table Extraction, Form Recognition

  • Optical Character Recognition (OCR): AWS Textract’s OCR capabilities are foundational to its document processing prowess. It can accurately recognize and extract text from various formats, including PDFs, images, and scanned paper documents. Additionally, Textract’s OCR engine is trained to handle handwritten text, expanding its usability.
  • Table Extraction: One of Textract’s standout features is its ability to extract data from tables within documents. It identifies rows and columns, extracting data cell by cell and maintaining the original table structure. This functionality proves invaluable when dealing with structured data like financial reports or inventory records.
  • Form Recognition: Textract can distinguish and extract data from forms, discerning fields and values. This streamlines the process of capturing critical information from documents like tax forms, applications, and surveys.

Integration with Other AWS Services

Amazon Textract seamlessly integrates with other AWS services, enabling businesses to create comprehensive document processing workflows. This integration can include services like Amazon S3 for storage, Amazon Rekognition for image analysis, and Amazon Comprehend for natural language understanding. This ecosystem empowers businesses to build robust and powerful document processing applications tailored to their needs.

Key Steps to Automate Invoice Processing with AWS Textract

Setting Up AWS Environment

  1. Creating an AWS Account: The journey towards automated invoice processing with AWS Textract begins with setting up an AWS account. Navigate to the AWS website and follow the account creation process, which includes providing essential details and payment information.
  2. Setting Up Necessary IAM Roles and Permissions: As security is paramount, create Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles with appropriate permissions. These roles ensure secure interactions between services, allowing AWS Textract to access the required resources while maintaining data integrity.
  3. Accessing the AWS Management Console: Once your AWS account is established, access the AWS Management Console. This dashboard serves as the central hub for managing your AWS resources and configuring the services needed for automated invoice processing.

Uploading and Storing Invoices

  1. Creating a Designated S3 Bucket for Invoice Storage: Set up an Amazon S3 bucket dedicated to storing your invoices. S3 provides scalable and secure storage, and creating a designated bucket helps organize your data efficiently.
  2. Uploading Invoices to the S3 Bucket: Utilize the AWS Management Console or programmatically upload your invoices to the designated S3 bucket. This step establishes the foundation for data extraction and processing.
  3. Implementing Secure Access Controls: Employ Access Control Lists (ACLs) and S3 bucket policies to ensure only authorized users and processes can access the uploaded invoices. This safeguards sensitive information and maintains data privacy.

Creating a Lambda Function for Invoice Processing

  1. Introduction to AWS Lambda: AWS Lambda enables you to execute code in response to various events. It’s a serverless compute service that scales automatically and runs code without provisioning or managing servers.
  2. Creating a New Lambda Function Using the AWS Management Console: Within the AWS Management Console, navigate to AWS Lambda and create a new function. Define its triggers, such as S3 events, which will initiate the function when new invoices are uploaded.
  3. Configuring Triggers for the Lambda Function (S3 Events): Configure the Lambda function to trigger upon specific S3 events, like object creation or updates. This establishes the connection between the uploaded invoices and the processing function.

Implementing AWS Textract for Invoice Data Extraction

  1. Integrating AWS Textract into the Lambda Function: Within the Lambda function code, integrate AWS Textract by utilizing its APIs. This integration empowers the function to invoke Textract’s capabilities for extracting data from invoices.
  2. Configuring Textract to Process Invoices and Extract Relevant Data: Configure Textract to process the uploaded invoices, specifying the desired data extraction features. This can include text, tables, forms, and more, depending on the invoice format.
  3. Extracting Line Items, Total Amount, Dates, and Other Relevant Information: Leverage Textract to extract critical information from invoices, such as line items, total amounts, dates, and any other pertinent details. Textract’s machine learning algorithms ensure accurate extraction, reducing manual intervention.

Parsing Extracted Data and Validating

  1. Using Python Libraries to Parse the JSON Output from Textract: After Textract processes the invoices, it generates structured JSON outputs. Utilize Python libraries to parse these JSON outputs, extracting the relevant data fields and organizing them for further processing.
  2. Validating Extracted Data for Accuracy and Completeness: Develop validation routines to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the extracted data. Implement checks to identify discrepancies or missing information, reducing the chances of erroneous data being further processed.
  3. Handling Special Cases and Edge Scenarios: Account for special cases or edge scenarios that may arise during the data extraction and validation process. These could include handling ambiguous data or situations where Textract’s default extraction behavior needs adjustments.

Automating Business Logic and Workflow

  1. Implementing Business Rules for Invoice Approval, Rejection, and Processing: Define business rules that govern the automation of invoice approval, rejection, and processing. Use the extracted data to trigger relevant actions, ensuring efficient invoice management according to your organization’s practices.
  2. Integrating with Other AWS Services like Amazon SQS or Amazon SNS: Enhance the automation workflow by integrating with other AWS services. Services like Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) or Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) can facilitate communication between different components of your processing system.
  3. Designing a Workflow to Handle Different Invoice Processing Outcomes: Create a structured workflow that accommodates various outcomes of the invoice processing. Design processes for handling invoices with discrepancies, exceptional cases, or those that require manual intervention.

Building a User Interface (Optional)

  1. Creating a Simple Web Interface Using AWS Services like Amazon API Gateway and AWS Lambda: If desired, build a user interface using services like Amazon API Gateway and AWS Lambda. This interface can serve as a dashboard for users to monitor the automated invoice processing, handle exceptions, and access processed data.
  2. Allowing Users to Interact with the Automated System for Exception Handling: Enable users to interact with the automated system through the user interface. This facilitates exception handling, allowing users to review and correct any flagged issues.
  3. Displaying Processed Invoice Data and Status Updates: Design the user interface to display processed invoice data, along with status updates for each invoice. This transparency enhances user confidence in the automated process.

Best Practices and Considerations

  1. Data Security and Compliance: Prioritize data security and compliance throughout the implementation process. Utilize encryption mechanisms, access controls, and follow industry best practices to safeguard sensitive information within your automated invoice processing system.
  2. Error Handling and Logging: Implement robust error handling mechanisms to address any unforeseen issues that may arise during the processing pipeline. Establish comprehensive logging practices to track errors, exceptions, and system activities for troubleshooting and analysis.
  3. Regular Maintenance and Updates: Stay vigilant with regular maintenance and updates to ensure the continued performance and security of your automated system. Keep track of new Textract features, AWS service updates, and security patches to keep your solution up-to-date.
  4. Monitoring and Optimization of AWS Resources: Continuously monitor the usage and performance of your AWS resources. Leverage AWS monitoring tools to track resource utilization, identify bottlenecks, and optimize the architecture for cost-efficiency and performance.

Case Study: Company X·CELERATE’s Successful Implementation

Consider the case of Company X·CELERATE, a forward-thinking organization seeking to revolutionize its invoice processing. Faced with manual inefficiencies, X·CELERATE embarked on a journey to leverage AWS Textract for automation.

Through its partnership with AWS Textract, X·CELERATE achieved remarkable results. Invoice processing times were slashed by 75%, errors reduced by 90%, and operational costs decreased by 60%. The newfound efficiency allowed X·CELERATE to redirect resources towards strategic growth initiatives.


Automating invoice processing with AWS Textract brings remarkable benefits: faster processing, higher accuracy, scalability, and cost savings. These advantages streamline operations, boosting overall performance.

Company X·CELERATE’s success underscores automation’s transformative power. Amid rising competition, adopting automation is vital for operational excellence.

The future holds promise for AI-driven document processing. As machine learning advances, even greater accuracy, efficiency, and adaptability will revolutionize complex business processes.

Thank you for reading this article! If you have any questions or would like to learn more about our services, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We’d love to hear from you and help you achieve your goals. Visit our website or email us at to get in touch.



Anastasiia Shterpak
Editor for

Digital Marketer @ OmiSoft. Creating software to boost businesses.