What’s MLOps and How It Can Help Expedite Product’s Time-to-Market

Anastasiia Shterpak
Published in
3 min readAug 29, 2023

In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, the ripple effect of machine learning applications has been undeniable. From optimizing processes to revolutionizing user experiences, machine learning has solidified its place in industry after industry. As we stand at this juncture, algorithms and the volume of high-quality data for machine learning models have reached advanced levels. However, a particular aspect seems to be lagging behind — the professionalization of operations. This is where a new approach, MLOps, enters the scene, poised to facilitate the productive utilization of machine learning and expedite product time-to-market.

Understanding MLOps

MLOps — short for Machine Learning Operations — is a concept that seamlessly blends the worlds of machine learning and operations. Think of it as the bridge that takes the impressive creations of data scientists and engineers and brings them into practical, operational reality. It’s a collection of methods and software tools that enable the operational usage of AI applications. At its core, MLOps encompasses the Design, Build, and Run phases of ML model development.

The Design phase is where ideas are conceived and model architectures are planned. The Build phase brings those ideas to life, utilizing frameworks like PyTorch and Scikit-Learn to create models. And finally, the Run phase involves deployment, monitoring, and optimization of those models in real-world scenarios. This holistic approach ensures that the journey from concept to operational deployment is smooth and efficient.

Challenges of Operationalizing ML Products

As machine learning technology marches forward, the transition from development to operational deployment presents its own set of challenges. Let’s delve into some of these challenges that MLOps addresses head-on:

  1. Excessive Manual Effort: ML models require regular retraining due to ever-changing real-world data. Without proper automation, maintaining models becomes labor-intensive and time-consuming. What begins as a single model can quickly snowball into a resource-draining endeavor as the product portfolio expands.
  2. Cost Efficiency: Machine learning, especially GPU-based training, can be costly. Ineffectively managed resources, redundant training, and underutilized instances only add to the financial burden.
  3. Performance Uncertainty: ML models are inherently stochastic, leading to data drift and model drift. Monitoring performance manually becomes unwieldy as the number of models in production increases.
  4. Undefined Responsibilities: Cross-functional teams often struggle with clearly defining roles and responsibilities. This lack of structure can result in operational inefficiencies and confusion.
  5. Compliance Concerns: With regulations like GDPR, compliance becomes a significant challenge. Ensuring that ML products meet regulatory requirements can lead to operational pauses and potential revenue losses.

How MLOps Addresses Challenges

MLOps emerges as the solution to these challenges, aiming to alleviate the technical debt generated by ML products. It prioritizes methods and effective collaboration, with technology choices playing a secondary role. The key to success lies in implementing MLOps methodology from the project’s inception. By doing so, we can tackle the challenges early, streamline operations, and pave the way for swift product deployment.

Benefits of Applying MLOps

Adopting MLOps from the start yields significant improvements. Studies indicate that 97% of organizations that embrace MLOps experience tangible benefits. With MLOps platforms facilitating team collaboration, ensuring compliance, and reducing time-to-market, its relevance becomes undeniable.

Looking Ahead

Regulatory landscapes are on the cusp of change. The EU’s AI Regulation, expected to take effect soon, will further underscore the importance of compliance. Hence, organizations aiming for multiple ML products development must embrace MLOps at the earliest to navigate these challenges effectively.

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Anastasiia Shterpak
Editor for

Digital Marketer @ OmiSoft. Creating software to boost businesses.