OCP Saves DeFi Users Millions of Dollars on Binance Smart Chain: OmniSteaks Auto-compounding Yield Farms

You’ve been getting robbed! All of us. Even dear ole’ Bixby!

OCP Official
Omni Consumer Protocols
3 min readSep 17, 2021


Almost every single DeFi head out there — Missing out on future millions! Stolen by lazy crypto. Yeah. You read that right. Lazy crypto.


They didn’t have a million-ton slab of rare Delta City steer STEAK!🥩

…But they do now.

Pardon the seizure.

OCP is delighted to present to all board members the superior way to steak assets. Presenting, “OmniSteaks.” A Beefy Finance like experience within the USDO ecosystem… Served extra RARE. You won’t get it anywhere else.


You’re losing potential incentives if you’re not autocompounding!

Relocation of LP tokens to OmniSteaks.OCP.Finance is recommended, and stop bleeding those unrealized gains!!!


“IN THE END… We only regret the chances we didn’t take, the relationships we were afraid to have, and the decisions we waited too long to make.”

-Lewis Carroll, famous DeFi Dev

DeFi investors lose gains everyday simply because they aren’t around to click a button. That’s right. They’re just not clicking ‘Harvest’ often enough. Consequently, farming incentives wait around doing nothing until the user actually comes and collects them for further reinvestment.

Auto-compounding solves this.

OmniSteaks allows users to benefit from auto-compounding farms, similar to Beefy.Finance, except that OmniSteaks will also feature the ability to mint USDO stablecoins against the value of your already auto-compounding holdings… you might need to read that twice.

Being able to borrow USDO against the assets in the farm allows you to effectively double the utility of the staked asset, as your holdings will be farming incentives WHILE SIMULTANEOUSLY being available for borrowing. You can use USDO for further investing or to do really just about anything you’d like.

There she is… big beautiful and beefyish.


1] Remove your LP tokens from their current farms

(Don’t have LP tokens? What are LP tokens? Check out this guide from our friends at OpenDAO!)

2] Bring LP Tokens to OmniSteaks

3] Click on the LP Token

4] Approve

5] Deposit

OmniSteaks will deploy your tokens to the most valuable protocols and make sure that you’re never guilty of having lazy crypto again!
















That’s all for now board members… Buy that **** for a dollar!
Break that clap button or die trying!


