Why You Should Hire The Same Personality

Josh Torres
Omnia Digital
Published in
1 min readJan 28, 2023

Hint: You shouldn’t…

In my experience, people who are one personality tend to hire other people with the same personality. That seems to be especially true with Cholerics. Cholerics seem to hire other Cholerics, I believe because they view their personality as powerful and strong, and when they see those same qualities in others, they view those people are strong individuals. Just to clarify, this is simply an observation that I’ve made in the many places that I’ve worked, both professionally and voluntarily, so I didn’t conduct an in-depth study or survey, mostly because I just want to talk about why this can be very damaging, and how I’ve seen it tremendously hurt the organizations that I have seen follow this pattern.

If you don’t know the 4 personality types, they are Choleric, Sanguine, Phlegmatic and Melancholy. They each have strengths and weaknesses, but some are more apparent than others.

What are your thoughts?

