OMNIA Protocol — Token Audit Report

Alex Lupascu
OMNIA Protocol
Published in
3 min readJan 4, 2022

At OMNIA Protocol, we care about security and privacy. Therefore, it is of utmost importance to us that our operations ensure you have completely safe and untraceable access to the blockchain. For this purpose, a well-secured smart contract, such as ours, is crucial.

Today, we present you with the audit report of OMNIA ERC20 token’s smart contract — carefully conducted code review and security analysis from Hacken, a leading security consulting firm, serves as proof of commitment to our mission.

But first, allow us to begin with a brief definition of what smart contract and audit report mean, just as an introduction to people who are new to blockchain and as a refresher for those who are not too sure.

Smart contract

While traditional contracts are written on a document, either in print or electronically, and upheld by a third party (usually lawyers and other legal experts), a smart contract is computer code written for self-executing agreements between parties without the need for third parties’ involvement.

The contract is implemented into the blockchain and therefore is visible yet irreversible. It ensures that once the terms predetermined by both parties are met, the transaction will execute and move forward automatically, without being affected in any way by malicious actors or accidents. In our case, the smart contract's predetermined terms are the way in which OMNIA tokens are handled and managed on Ethereum mainnet, according to industry standards such as ERC20.

Audit report

So then, what is an audit report? A smart contract audit report is a close examination of the code utilized in writing out the terms and conditions of that particular contract. These audits minimize, if not eliminate, the chances that a project will run into serious security issues down the line by scanning through the code and identifying any possible vulnerabilities and bugs before deployment. This is an essential step in building well-secured smart contracts, especially since it is impossible to change the code after it has been deployed to the blockchain.

OMNIA’s smart contract audit report

Now, without any further ado, we are proud to present you with the audit report itself. We contracted the cybersecurity firm Hacken to conduct a code review and security analysis of our smart contract. During their examination, their experts have scanned our code for various known vulnerabilities, including but not limited to reentrancy, access control, and denial of service (DoS).

Fig. 1 — Level of Security

After analyzing code functionality, followed by further manual audit and automated checks, audit assessment concluded that Omnia’s smart contract is well-secured and without a single issue. (Fig 1, 2)

You can find the audit report from Hacken in its entirety here.

You can also find the code for our smart contract on Github or Etherscan.

Fig. 2- Overview — No issues found


Omnia Protocol is a decentralized infrastructure protocol for securely accessing the blockchain so that no single point of failure will ever disrupt blockchain applications or wallets integrating with it.

Reading and writing to blockchain shouldn’t be centralized or managed, but instead performed in a decentralized manner, in which every node (mining non-mining) should be incentivized to help with the access to the blockchain in a trusted and decentralized way. Omnia allows anyone to earn rewards by hosting and maintaining a node on a specific blockchain.

Omnia strongly focuses on privacy which gives you untraceable access to the blockchain.

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