Comnio: Our Name For Omnichannel Customer Service

Omnichannel Customer Service
2 min readJul 29, 2014


Comnio is not Spanish or Latin. In fact, it’s not even a word…until now.

We recently changed our name from “Sht Lst” (which was maybe not our best decision to date) to “Comnio” (which might be our best decision to date).

Change = progress, but change also = questions, so we’re writing this quick piece to field a couple quick questions our community has asked us.

How did you come up with the name “Comnio”?

Well, it’s not a word…until now. Hopefully, some day it will be synonymous with “amazing customer service,” but until then, we’ll just explain the mash-up.

Comnio is a derivative of the words “communication” and “omnichannel.” If you’re not familiar with the word “omnichannel” don’t worry. Not many people are. It’s a mass communications concept similar to multi-channel communication.

A communication channel is any form of communication. For instance, voice. You can communicate with your voice. Another channel might be paper or print. Omnichannel is the idea of seamlessly utilizing all channels of communication. With regard to Comnio, we utilize all channels of communication to improve the customer service experience.

So, to recap, Comnio = communication + omnichannel. We added the “o” at the end, because “Comni” wasn’t available as a domain name.

The second question we get asked is:

What does Comnio do?

Comnio improves customer service communication by connecting consumers with virtually any business or service provider, seamlessly across multiple channels of communication. We call it “omnichannel customer service.”

In other words, you can contact any business or service provider for customer service using Comnio. Comnio, in this sense, is more than a business, but a communications platform.

If you have any other questions, please visit us online at:

Thank you for your time.

