Is Your Auto Insurance The One?

Omnidya AI
Published in
3 min readFeb 11, 2021

Ask your boo these 3 easy questions

PC: Negative Space

We’ve all wasted time in a relationship that isn’t right for us. Why not when there’s nothing better to do? But in this hot time of innovation, better exists. There is better auto insurance to do.

The One for you is out there. We swear. So how do you figure out if your auto insurance is The One? These 3 questions will make you realize if you should stay…or go.

Does my auto insurance care about me?

A basic question, but essential. Not only should your insurance care about you — they should respect you. When you file a claim, they should take care of you. Considering that the average claim for a collision is $3,160 and that the average bodily injury claim is $16,640, they should listen and respond asap. Does your auto insurance do this? No?

Then maybe it’s time to break up with them. Find someone who makes you feel welcome in their DMs.

Does my auto insurance really know me?

If your insurance doesn’t know you well enough to hyper-personalize your policy, then tell them to gtfo. They always say they’ll give you a personalized policy, but with what info? And where is the “hyper” in front of “personalized”?

You should know there are friendlier options on the up-and-up including Root (and us). Friendlier as in you’ve always got a buddy (who’s well-behaved and not annoying). The buddy also reports back on all your driving habits, but at least they’re transparent about it so you can still consider them trustworthy.

Founded in 2015, Root calls itself “fair car insurance for good drivers”. Here’s how it works: You download the Root app on your phone and drive around for a few weeks (remember to take breaks to sleep, eat, work), letting it collect data on your driving habits. Then they create a personalized policy for you.

Omnidya will be releasing an app that does this and much more. We’ll use it to hyper-personalize your policy — and you’ll be able to file claims easy peasy. To top it all off, you’ll even be gifted a free dash cam.

Accept no less. You deserve no less. Add this into your morning affirmations.

If I drive better, do I get rewarded?

It’s only right. What — are you supposed to buy into self-improvement without reaping any rewards? Are you supposed to eat healthy without getting healthier? NO.

There are quite a few companies that do this to a certain extent — such as AllState. You’ve seen the commercials. Do they make it fun, though? Omnidya does. The better you drive, the more money you save — for sure. But we’ve got bonus extras that’ll appeal to your inner gamer.

Because you want The One to be both sensible and fun, right?

Hit us up.

We’ll treat you better:



Omnidya AI

A data-focused insurtech company making lives eaiser with AI.