Omnidya: Revolutionizing the Service Industry with AI

Omnidya AI
Published in
2 min readNov 12, 2018

An increasing number of companies are leveraging artificial intelligence for a multitude of unique purposes — but all with the intent of improving whatever their platform may be.

InsurTech is one sector where AI incorporation is growing, with a huge focus on Machine Learning (ML). AI-driven solutions such as real-time data aggregation and intelligent fraud detection can lighten employee workloads and leave them more time to focus on other things, boosting efficiency within companies.

The countless number of AI/ML innovations are undoubtedly pushing us towards a better and transformed insurance industry.

Not only is Omnidya incorporating Artificial Intelligence to help you find the best deals on insurance — but to help you book the best travel arrangements and find the best wireless plans as well.

Omnidya Benefits Both Enterprises and Consumers

“Today the best Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning applications don’t even let users notice the presence of AI/ML tech because of their seamless user experience. Amazon Alexa and Google Home digital assistants, Netflix recommendations, and auto-calibrating social media feeds are but a few examples of this UX,” says Akshay Vachhani, Co-Founder. “At Omnidya, our goal is to put AI/ML technologies to work for the consumers’ best interests while simplifying their interaction with service providers. Providers also benefit as they gain top-line growth by participating in the Omnidya platform.”

Omnidya’s Intelligent Chatbot, Omnibot — For Enhanced Customer Service

Intelligent chatbots are becoming increasingly popular, with purposes ranging from amusement to medical diagnostic services. Our chatbot, Omnibot, is designed to address any concerns and answer all questions you might have when using our platform.

Questions about your insurance deal? Ask Omnibot. Questions about your upcoming trip? Omnibot can help. We take customer care seriously, and our intelligent chatbot will provide you with around-the-clock assistance to ensure you have the most positive and efficient experience possible with Omnidya.

Sign up here to get first access to the Omnidya platform.



Omnidya AI

A data-focused insurtech company making lives eaiser with AI.