A new era: Omni Layer in 2018

Published in
3 min readDec 20, 2017

Since it’s inception in form of Mastercoin in 2013, the Omni Layer protocol became the most successful meta-protocol on top of Bitcoin. It is a platform for creating and trading custom digital assets and currencies, which runs stable and without any interruption for more than four years.

In total, digital assets with a market capitalization of more than $ 1.2 billion are represented on the layer.

In November 2017 the number of Omni Layer transactions per month surpassed 100,000 transactions for the first time. In December over 9,000 transactions occurred on peak days alone, setting the course for even higher monthly transaction volume records.

Omni Layer transactions per month on omniexplorer.info

Over the last 30 days there were 1,671 downloads of Omni Core, the reference client for the Omni Layer, and 177 unique source code clones on GitHub.

Download statistics of Omni Core on bintray.com
Clone statistics of Omni Core on github.com

Those numbers are growing from month to month and it is clear there is a massive interest for this exciting technology.

Shifting the focus to end users

In the past we mostly stayed under the radar, because our focus was first to provide a rock-solid back-end and an easily integratable solution — with success: more than 15 exchanges offer trading of Omni or Omni Layer assets, such as Tether or MaidSafeCoin.

While most users probably heard about, or used tokens created with the Omni Layer protocol, the awareness about the platform and project itself is rather limited though.

This is due to a presentation that could be improved, not much community engagement, and especially because there are no easy and user friendly ways to interact with the layer, such as a thin-client.

We understand and acknowledge these points and 2018 will mark the beginning of a new era:

  • We want to create a thriving community by engaging more and being open about what we are working on
  • Interacting with the Omni Layer will become easier and more user friendly
  • Sending Omni Layer assets and tokens will become more efficient, to reduce our blockchain footprint and to reduce mining fees

In the next couple of weeks, a series of blog posts will be published to highlight and discuss features what we’ve worked on in the past, what we are working on right now, and what we have planned for the future.

At the beginning of 2018 we will also host an AMA on our subreddit /r/omni.

Starting with a new webdesign

The project website is one of the first points of contact for new users, and as first step of our new strategy, I’m happy to announce our overhauled new website. With the help of Mike from the Rumr Digital Agency, we polished the presentation of omnilayer.org.

Check out a screenshot of the new design:

The new webdesign of omnilayer.org

For comparison, this is a screenshot of the old website:

The old webdesign of omnilayer.org

We are happy with the result and believe this is something we can build upon!

One of the next posts will reveal something we’ve planned for quite a while, so stay tuned and make sure to keep an eye on updates.

You can follow us on Twitter, Reddit or join our Telegram group, and if you like this article, please feel free to share it or click the 👏 button below!




Maintainer of Omni Core, the reference client for the Omni Layer, and contributor to a variety of Bitcoin related projects, such as Bitcoin Core and bitcoinj.