11 Questions for Blockchain Community Manager, Cameron Reuss

@Judy Gordon
Published in
4 min readSep 21, 2018
Cameron Reuss, Community Manager

Cameron Ruess is a Community Manager for LGO Exchange — a fair and secure trading environment in which every type of transaction, intra-chain, cross-chain, and crypto/fiat, is executable. He holds a computer science degree, who loves to research cryptocurrency and engage with online communities daily. Besides being involved in the cryptocurrency space, Cameron enjoys traveling and trying new foods and beers. Fitness and coffee are the two things he cannot live without!.

1) List five adjectives that describe you




➡️Good listener


2) Which living person do you most admire? Mark Cuban. I admire him because he is a great tech guy and loves to make investments in various businesses. He loves to take risks and he never gives up on his passions.

3) What do you most value in your friends?

Trustiness and honesty. I like to be straightforward with friends and I would like to expect them to do the same with me too.

4) Where would you most like to live?

Portugal! I went on a trip there recently and I was mind blown away. They have gorgeous beaches, mountain biking, hiking, water activities and great food and port wine! Plus, people there were very friendly!

5) What is your current state of mind?

I recently moved to Denver and I’m excited to grow my career here with the blockchain community.

6) What is your motto?

Always listen to community members and be prepared to face any unexpected events online.

7) Why are you passionate about your project?

I represent LGO Exchange and they are coming out with one of a kind cryptocurrency exchange platform. They are coming up with the hybrid exchange model that allows you to connect your ledger to trade your coins, which the security of your tokens will be decentralized and the order book will be centralized to comply with government regulations. This excites me because they are coming out with the product that will be able to provide users peace of mind that their funds will be always safe as long as they are being responsible with their ledger wallets (cold storage) instead of leaving their coins in hot wallets.

8) Tell us the best story about your community?

I like how my community sticks together since they conducted their ICO back in February. I was hired as their Community Manager back in June and it was quite a bit of a challenge for me to fit into the close-knit community, but they were very welcoming to me and I fit into their community right away.

9) What are three things you find the most challenging about your job?

➡️Dealing with community members who have doubts in the project.

➡️Most of my project’s community members are based in Europe and they tend to be active while I’m sleeping at three in the morning.

➡️ It can be challenging to be the frontman for the project, and some members have no patience on receiving answers from the project’s team and I always need to remind them to be patient.

10) What are three things about your job makes you feel the most fulfilled?

➡️I am able to chat with various members from all over the world. I am open minded and do not make quick judgments because you never know who you could end up meeting who could be a valuable acquaintance.

➡️I have a great team of moderators, who have been involved with the community longer than I have been, and they are always there for me whenever I face an angry mob, help me with conducting AMAs, and being welcome to my questions without making me feel looked down upon.

➡️Ultimately, I think the job is fun overall!

11) What is your biggest accomplishment as a community manager? Receiving compliments from moderators and community members all the time for doing my CM duties as expected and beyond.

Connect with Cameron

Cameron Reuss is the Community Manager at LGO Exchange, the retail investor exchange platform under LGO Group. It incorporates a decentralized ledger within its proprietary centralized platform in order to neutralize front-running and guarantee the inalterability, temporality, and transparency of the order book.

You can connect with him on LinkedIn, Instagram and Telegram at @cryptoswithcam

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Crypto is powerful — but it won’t be revolutionary until we all work together. Omnisparx: Premier crypto collaboration platform that enables projects and participants to build real value together. Join our telegram channel to follow discussions on community management in blockchain and crypto and follow us on Twitter.

