Online shopping: what changes did pandemic bring to eCommerce?

Andjela Djurovic


We have to agree that the pandemic the world faced, enormously changed our consumer behavior.

Some sectors were in crisis to survive and another decided to invest in their business in a smart and useful way.

The most visible change is reflected in the transition of business to the e-commerce reality.

Even before the Covid-19, e-commerce grocery purchase and delivery has increased drastically over the last period of time.

With the outbreak of pandemic, the increase has become even more obvious. 50 % of consumers currently do their shopping of groceries online and there are predictions that this number is going to jump to 149 % by 2023 ($59.5 billion). (

A growing habit, therefore, is increasing awareness of the companies to equip themselves with an infrastructure capable of adequately and promptly responding to this need.

By keeping up with the emerging trends, Omninext developed Hive, a new platform for the Ho.Re.Ca sector in order to manage online orders and act as an intermediary between customers and the restaurant, with the aim of simplifying and speeding up the whole process.

This model includes 3 services: ordering, payment and pickup.

On the platform you can have access to a digital menu, with a detailed offer of food and drinks and all further information to find out more about the origin of the product itself.

Once completed and paid, the user can pick-up the meal without having to wait in line. The platform provides an integrated and secure payment system, Remoney, through which it is possible to make payments using direct debit SEPA or by entering credit card data. The products can be easily placed in the cart in the case of immediate purchase.

Our eCommerce solution represents Smart ordering with the possibility of: navigation, searching and filtering with the list of products and presentation.

By optimizing the shopping process, the project Hive has as its main objective the creation of a unique customer experience, providing user-friendly navigation.

In a world that is running fast, and where changes are all on the agenda, the future challenge will be concentrated on the continuous development of the platform, in order to precisely and quickly meet the new needs of the HoReCa sector.

Hive, however, is not a product for the food sector only: its characteristics and its system, in fact, make it scalable in different areas.

Continue to follow us to discover all the potential of Hive and how it can be adapted to your business.

