Omnitude launches a working Proof of Concept

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5 min readMar 28, 2018


True to our word we are announcing our first fully working Proof of Concept today.


Why a Proof of Concept?

We understand that the Omnitude vision is a very big concept, so our aim is to give participants in the Omnitude token sale a small taster of what the initial implementation of this vision could look like. This Proof of Concept tackles two of our Whitepaper cases…. Single Sign On and System Integration.

Alongside this intent it gives us an exciting opportunity to demonstrate the power of Hyperledger Fabric as a blockchain implementation framework. We can also demonstrate its power and speed alongside proving our ability to start connecting various business ERP platforms into the blockchain.

By delivering this Proof Of Concept at this stage we also hope it underlines our ability to drive blockchain adoption into mainstream business in the coming months and years.

What does our Proof of Concept do?

Effectively we are showcasing 4 things. You will be able to:

  1. Register on one of our three mock eCommerce sites as a customer and add your name, email address and password.
  2. This profile creates an Omnitude ID (OID) that will follow you around whichever Omnitude enabled site you use allowing for easy single sign on with Omnitude credentials.
  3. Test dataflows between systems, using Hyperledger, such as view items in stock (via a call to a WMS) and mock-purchase them, pulling the item out of stock and reflecting real time stock levels as well as have stock replenished in the warehouse via a live smart contract that will execute to ensure new stock is ordered.
  4. View a dashboard interface showing full future platform functionality as well as show Hyperledger code and tasks triggered during smart contract replenishment.

Who was involved in creating this?

Proof of Concepts are great for illustrating the power of Omnitude, but they are also excellent in showing why we have chosen the collaborations and partnerships that we have. We have built this with the help of Swisscom Blockchain and CS Cart, and this Proof of Concept has proven to us that we have the support and backing of some of the best talent we could possibly have hoped to have.

Key things you need to be aware of:

The Proof of Concept is not responsive/mobile friendly, but will be in future.

The Proof of Concept is for illustration purposes only, it will be refined, developed and designed in a continual process of improvement that will be ongoing until we have produced a best in class product.

How to join the test

To test the Proof of Concept and provide feedback, please go to:


Here you will find two separate scenarios, that we have linked purely for your convenience.

The first scenario demonstrates how our system will work if you are a Supply Chain Manager and Stock is running low in the warehouse… Based on your forecasting a new stock order needs to be placed. This portal allows you to make an informed decision on order quantities based upon multiple inputs from the Omnitude Platform. Omnitude allows data flows from other Enterprise Systems already in place.

This is a Proof of Concept so not all functionality is enabled at present. Extra functionality will be added as the development continues.

The second scenario demonstrates how our system will work if you are a Customer and you use the Omnitude Single Sign On across any Omnitude enabled site. You will set up your Omnitude Single Sign On.

This is a Proof of Concept so the option to add additional personal preferences such as sizing, address and a whole host of other details are not yet active.

There are three Omnitude enabled sites in this demonstration. Once you have received your confirmation email from registering you will be able to sign in to all three sites with your Omnitude Single Sign On.


An introduction to Hyperledger

Hyperledger Fabric is a blockchain framework implementation and one of the Hyperledger projects hosted by The Linux Foundation.

Hyperledger Fabric allows components, such as consensus and membership services, to be plug-and-play. Omnitude has specifically chosen a permissioned blockchain like Hyperledger to because of its stability, security and ability to process large volumes of transactions quickly. We believe this is one of the aspects that sets Omnitude apart and will drive the success of adoption of our ecosystem.

How have we technically done it?

Working with Swisscom Blockchain, we deployed a full Hyperledger testnet to the Swisscom blockchain cloud, completed stress tests to test Hyperledger’s performance as well as chose a technology stack for Omnitude ID.

For the front-end/back-end, we implemented the first version of an API to connect the blockchain with external systems (ERP, CRM and WMS systems such as SAP, SalesForce etc). We then connected shopping cart platform, CS-Cart (and later we can connect all other major shopping cart platforms like such as Magento, Shopify etc in the same way), as well as deployed the first version of Omnitude ID and SSO.

What the technology is doing

1. Peers can be distributed geographically but they all share a consistent API that reflects the operations of the smart contract.

2. The API exposed is the reflection of the smart contract agreed by the partners of the network.

3. Omnitude is safely hosted in Swisscom Blockchain Factory Infrastructure

4. Each network is comprised of a specific network topology

5. A hyperledger network contains the following roles: Network Managers, Peers, Orderers and Certificate Authorities.

6. Each transaction pertains to a single channel that is shared across specific peers. The transactions are bundled up into blocks.

7. For now, a single smart contract is controlling the replenishment across the supply chain, but eventually each hyperledger peer (node) of the network will be the gatekeeper of each status across the supply chain. For every change of status there is an event triggered to inform the rest of the nodes.

We value your feedback, please email

We look forward to hearing from you!




The official Medium account of Omnitude - a middleware layer allowing businesses to adopt blockchain quickly and efficiently.