Omnitude Sponsored Nodes

Published in
2 min readMay 24, 2018

With the Omnitude Token Sale fast approaching its end, we want to share with our community and contributors more information on our plan for ‘master nodes’. Below we outline the what, the why and the how. So…

What is a node?

Every Blockchain Network is a collection of servers called nodes. Nodes work together to provide safe, secure, immutable data storage and access in a shared and decentralised system.

What is a Sponsored Node?

Sponsored Nodes are very similar to the standard Master Nodes in cryptocurrency, but applied to business use cases. Any individual may sponsor a node by depositing 20,000 ECOM with the Omnitude Foundation. In return, node sponsors receive a share of the ECOM transaction fees for that node.

Why would you want to sponsor a node?

The Omnitude platform is a disruptive technology that brings significant cost reductions and information efficiency benefits to businesses. These should provide room for out-performing yields once sufficient adoption has occurred, therefore generating a recurring passive income for sponsors of Omnitude nodes.

Things you need to know:

How do you claim your own Sponsored Node?

Omnitude has made it easy. Sponsored Nodes are completely turn-key. Simply deposit your ECOM with the Omnitude Foundation and comply with node sponsorship requirements. Exact details on how to do this will be released in the near future.

What ROI can I anticipate?

While far from finalised, and subject to future information, network needs, and the usual disclaimers, etc., our preliminary testing finds we can offer sufficiently low transaction rates to deliver the benefits of Blockchain to enterprise customers while providing a positive margin and return on investment (ROI) at modest utilisation rates for Sponsored Node claimants.

Omnitude Node Sponsors receive 60% of transaction fees, from which node operation expenses are then discounted. In the event transaction fees do not exceed node operation costs, Omnitude will subsidise as necessary for at least the first year and review annually.

Node Sponsorship Requirements

Details are still being finalised, but will include reasonable minimums on time commitments, sponsor identity data, and other vetting.

So to summarise, all you need it 20,000 ECOM to sponsor a node, there is no other work for you at all. All ECOM will be held by the Omnitude Foundation, and providing all the Terms & Conditions of sponsorship are adhered to, the full balance can be returned to you if you decide to relinquish your sponsorship.

Want to know more?

If you want to know more, please email us on and one of the team will get back to you as soon as humanly possible or visit

You can purchase tokens through our current token sale too.




The official Medium account of Omnitude - a middleware layer allowing businesses to adopt blockchain quickly and efficiently.