Swisscom Blockchain AG on board as Technology Advisors and Providers

Chris Painter
Published in
1 min readMar 2, 2018

It’s with great pleasure that we can announce that Swisscom Blockchain AG, a global leader in Blockchain advisory and development services (as well as being the largest IT infrastructure host in Switzerland) have come on board as Technology Advisor / Providers.

They will specifically be helping us with initial design sessions, business cases, use case development, strategy as well as the development of the Omnitude ecosystem. Their extensive and experienced blockchain development teams will ensure we execute a successful proof of concept (POC) and cover questions around privacy, interoperability, confidentiality and scaling.

“We are excited to work with Omnitude who are successfully proceeding with the project to implement a blockchain based e-Commerce solution,” says Waldemar Scherer, Head of Enterprise Blockchain at Swisscom Blockchain AG.

“If successful, the platform could change e-Commerce as we know it today. With Swisscom Blockchain committing our strength in technical expertise, DLT experience and providing infrastructure strength, Omnitude has chosen one of the strongest technical partners in Switzerland.”

