Fusotao vs Discovol: Vote For the Next Appchain Launch!

Fusotao Protocol and Discovol are awaiting votes from $OCT holders in the Octopus Network Appchain Voting Queue.

Octopus Wolfi
Omnity Network
3 min readApr 25, 2022


Discovol and Fusotao Appchain Candidates await votes from $OCT Holders

Octopus Network is excited to announce that both Fusotao Protocol and Discovol have advanced to the Voting Queue and are awaiting votes from $OCT holders!

As Octopus Network was built to hold multiple Appchain Candidates in the Voting Queue simultaneously, this is somewhat of a landmark moment. Thus far, we’ve only experienced single Appchain Candidates in the Voting Queue to be Upvoted or Downvoted by $OCT holders.

We believe that Web3 innovation is fostered by healthy competition. This is the premise upon which Octopus Network was designed — to allow the community ($OCT holders) to vote for their desired use cases.

As long as the economic design of each Appchain Candidate is based on value creation, the Octopus Network is thrilled to witness diverse innovation via community-driven Appchain-$OCT holder interaction.

Voting is a Primary Utility of the $OCT Token

$OCT is the native token of the Octopus Network — a fungible, non-inflationary utility token with three utilities in Octopus Network:

  • Collateral to guarantee the security of appchains
  • Governance of the network
  • Endorsing appchains by Upvoting them in the candidate queue

The third function of $OCT via $OCT holders is the selection of which Appchains will go live next in the network by the Upvoting or Downvoting.

Because $OCT holders have the opportunity to stake as Delegators or run nodes as Validators in exchange for native Appchain token rewards, $OCT holders should select which Appchains they support carefully, for there is opportunity cost of missing those which could be more valuable.

Fusotao and Discovol in the Octopus Network Appchain Voting Queue

Both Fusotao Protocol and Discovol have successfully completed the Audit Phase and have moved on to the Voting Queue. For the next seven days, the Voting Queue is open for all $OCT holders to vote on their favorite.

Octopus Network Appchain Queue

Meet the Appchain Candidates

Both Discovol and Fusotao Protocol have very different use cases.

Discovol is a novel decentralized platform for distributing evidence-based, reliable content that has been vetted by Curators. Discovol was designed to give users access to quality content they can trust, with built-in incentivizing mechanisms for rewarding content Curators — enabling them to build their reputations as trusted sources. You can read more about Discovol here.

Fusotao Protocol is DEX infrastructure with the ambitious mission of solving some of the most significant issues DEX users face today. Fusotao seeks to give traders the best of all worlds — a seamless CEX-like user experience in a decentralized environment with trading privacy, minimal gas fees, and lower trading costs. You can read more about Fusotao Protocol here.

How to Vote

  1. Navigate to the voting page here:
  2. Connect your NEAR wallet.
  3. Select the Appchain you wish to allocate votes for.
  4. Deposit the amount of $OCT that you want to count for either an Upvote or Downvote.
  5. Leave your $OCT in deposit until the end of the Voting Phase if you want your votes to count.

But, what happens to Appchains that don’t win?

Just because an Appchain may not win one Voting Queue round, it doesn’t mean that the Appchain cannot launch, it merely means that it will have to re-enter the Voting Queue to be voted on again by $OCT holders.

