Octopus Network at ETHDenver 2022 — Let’s BUIDL!

Octopus Wolfi
Omnity Network
Published in
4 min readFeb 1, 2022

It’s Octopus Network’s debut at ETHDenver, Feb 11–20! Learn about launching Appchains at our presentations and AMA, join us for a mini summit and after party with NEAR protocol, #BUIDL for our $15k bounty tba February 11th!

Our mission is to launch an innovation wave on Web3

Octopus Network is a new multichain cryptonetwork created to bootstrap and run Substrate-based decentralized application chains, aka Appchains.

Appchains need security, but bootstrapping PoS security is labour-intensive and expensive. The Octopus Network decreases the expense and effort to launch an appchain. By providing flexible leased security, out-of-box interoperability, one-stop infrastructure, and a ready-to-be-engaged community, Octopus Network is unleashing an innovation wave on Web3.0.

Octopus Network Appchains can interoperate with blockchains outside the Octopus Network, such as with Ethereum via Rainbow Bridge, or with any IBC enabled blockchains directly via the out-of-box IBC pallet.

Trustless crosschain interoperability sits at the core of the Octopus Network protocol stack. The crosschain hub — the Octopus Relay — is not an independent layer1 blockchain but a set of smart contracts running on NEAR Protocol that implements the security leasing market (LPoS).

Beyond the support we give appchains, we offer the Octopus Accelerator Programme which is open to Substrate Developers and Web3.0 Teams around the world who wish to supercharge their mature-stage projects with mentoring, training, expert advice, partnerships, and grant opportunities. And we recently launched our international Substrate Developer Training courses in Vietnam — the first in our country-by-country launch roadmap.

ETHDenver expands beyond the Ethereum Ecosystem

In 2020, ETHDenver opened its doors to technological diversity by welcoming other chains and technologies that aren’t directly related to Ethereum — recognizing a future where blockchain interoperability and collaboration creates limitless possibilities.

In 2022, ETHDenver has continued to expand beyond Ethereum, inviting non-Ethereum and agnostic blockchain projects such as Near, Polkadot, Polygon, Harmony, etc., to ETHDenver.

“We see 2022 as the year of mass adoption for Web3.0.” — John Paller, Founder of ETHDenver.

As a proud crosschain interoperable member of the NEAR Ecosystem, we are excited to share all of the benefits that NEAR and Octopus Network offer protocols interested in launching application-specific blockchains. Make sure to check out our events during #BUILDWeek.

#BUIDL with Octopus Network at ETHDenver 2022

What’s BUIDLWeek?

BUIDLWeek is February 11–17, 2022. BUIDLWeek is a community-focused week of independent events for individuals, groups and organizations to connect, share, learn and #BUIDL Web3 with blockchain meetups, workshops, networking, and co-working across a variety of ecosystems.

Octopus Network will host a bounty worth 15k USD

Octopus Network will participate in this year’s BUILDathon offering a bounty worth 15k USD. This year, bounties can be virtual or IRL, so if you can’t attend in person, don’t let that stop you from joining in. Register for the BUILDathon here. Applications are still open!

Watch out for the release of our Bounty Video and hackathon details on February 11th.

Octopus Network is sponsoring several events during BUIDLWeek including:

How to BUIDL an Appchain on Octopus Network + AMA

  • Venue: 1134 Broadway (1st Floor)
  • Day/Time: Monday, Feb 14th | 3–5pm

Octopus Network — the Web3 Incubator on NEAR’s Fat Hub

  • Venue: NEAR Lounge 1037 N Broadway
  • Day/Time: Tuesday, Feb 14th | 10–1pm

Octopus Network Open Office Hours

  • Venue: NEAR Lounge 1037 N Broadway
  • Day/Time: During #BUILDWeek tba

Octopus Network Speaker — Metaverse

  • Venue: Infinity Stage
  • Day/Time: Tuesday, Feb 18th | 3:40–4pm

Go here for a continuously updated schedule of events during BUILDWeek.

Connect with Octopus Network at ETHDenver 2022 — IRL or Virtually!

Come say hello to team members at the Octopus Network booth in the Main Castle in the Shill Zone, Floor 3 Booth P21 and score some swag!

If you’re attending virtually, visit our virtual booth for a chance to learn about Octopus Network and earn some drops. You can also virtually attend panels, talks, presentations, workshops, and even participate in the #BUILDATHON for bounties.

Learn more:

Octopus Network helpful resources

Wanna learn more about Octopus Network before #BUIDLWeek? Here are some resources to give you a head start:

Join us in Discord and Telegram and follow us on Twitter for more updates!

