Octopus Network Monthly Report — June 2022

Octopus Wolfi
Omnity Network
Published in
8 min readJul 15, 2022

Octopus Network Monthly Updates — R&D, Appchains, Accelerator Program, Substrate Developer Training, Media and Event Highlights

Octopus Network Monthly Report — June 2022

June 2022 Highlights

  1. Yogain, Octopus Star Winner, joins Octopus Network as an Appchain.
  2. Appchain DEIP opens the first Metaverse.
  3. Substrate IBC Milestone 3 has been passed. Milestone 4 has been entered.
  4. SubQuery partners with Octopus Network.
  5. The Octopus Accelerator Program Summer 2022 culminates with five winning Octopus Future Star projects.
  6. Substrate Developer Training 1st Hackathon Winning Teams are officially announced in Malaysia & India.
  7. Octopus Network is listed as a first mover protocol in African Blockchain 2021 Report.
  8. Louis Liu, Founder of Octopus Network, speaks on “OCW Enabled Application-Specific Oracles “ at BeWater DevCon II in Silicon Valley.
  9. Octopus Network at Consensus2022, Austin, Texas.

June R&D Updates

Octopus Network & Apps


Token Converter feature is enabled on Octopus Network Mainnet.

✓Octopus Network Apps Optimization Update 1

  • One-click deployment page displays the resource usage of the Validating node server

✓Octopus Network Apps Optimization Update 2

  • Verifies node associated with Validator NEAR account

Octopus Network Smart Contracts

The Anchor contract provides security and cross-chain-related functions for the application chain.

  • The Anchor contract of Octopus Network main network has been upgraded to v2.1.0.

Octopus Network IBC Module

Substrate IBC will eventually enable full interconnection of Octopus Appchains with Cosmos and Polkadot.

Octopus Network Cross-Link Bridge


  • Apps’ NFT cross-link functionality goes live on the beta network.

SubQuery and Octopus Network Enter Strategic Partnership

SubQuery is a universal data indexing toolkit that facilitates the construction of Web3 applications.

  • SubQuery will provide data services supporting the Octopus Network Explorer for the first 100 Appchains launched in the Octopus Network Ecosystem.

June Appchain Ecosystem Updates

As of June 2022, four Appchains have launched and eight Appchain Candidates are in various stages of development.

Appchains Running on Mainnet

Appchains in Development

Appchain Events

DEIP Appchain

  • Over 3.47M $OCT staked on Main Network. June APY up to 19%.

On June 3, 2022, in collaboration with Weng Contemporary, DEIP opened its DEIP Metaverse City.

Created by the leading teams of ARHEAD Metaverse ecosystem, BALAGAN creative agency, and ATRIUM architectural studio, DEIP’s Metaverse is designed in the image of the company itself — by integrating virtual architecture, branding, and color palette.

DEIP Launches Metaverse

Fusotao Appchain

Fusotao Protocol is DEX infrastructure for building DEXs with trading privacy, minimal gas fees, and lower trading costs.

  • In Booting Phase

Fusotao, Octopus Network, and NearHispano held a Spanish AMA.

Fusotao, Octopus Network, and NEAR with NEARHispano

Myriad Appchain

Myriad Social <> Octopus Africa

Myriad Social Appchain CEO, Jean-Daniel Gauthier (@Danny_MyriadSoc), gives a live presentation in Octopus Africa Telegram.

DeBio Appchain

DeBio <> Octopus Africa

Founding Appchain, DeBio CEO, Pandu Sastrowardoyo (@decentricity), gives a live presentation in Octopus Africa Telegram.

June Octopus Accelerator Program Updates


  • The Octopus Accelerator website has been completely updated with new visuals and content.

Lessons and Seminars

Three additional online video lessons and four seminars have been released on the following topics:

  • Fundraising
  • Community Building
  • Web3 Product Design
  • Crypto Regulation

Accelerator Program Summer 2022

The Octopus Accelerator Summer 2022 program received a record-breaking 109 applicants. 40 were accepted into the Summer Program. 22 Graduates applied for Showcase Day — 10 Graduates were invited to present their projects to a select, invite-only audience of industry experts for a chance to win the Octopus Star Prize.

Showcase Day Presenters

  1. Yogain
  2. MixVerse
  3. SilkText
  4. SummerScan
  5. Legal Music
  6. Index Sports
  7. Nestercity
  8. Horizonland
  9. EnCounter
  10. Plats Network

Meet the Octopus Network Star Prize Winners!

Showcase Day was held on June 20th. After more than three hours of presentations, the Showcase Day judges nominated five projects to receive the Octopus Star Prize of USD 50k in grants.


  1. Yogain
  2. Plats Network
  3. Legal Music
  4. MixVerse
  5. Horizonland


Octopus Star Prize Winner Yogain

Yogain is a Web3 Yoga App that uses AR technology to guide and evaluate Yoga Practitioners. SocialFi and GameFi elements — including a built-in Social Network, and both Free-to-Practice and Yogain (Practice-to-Earn) modes — are key for attracting and retaining students. In-app NFT items can be transferred, sold, or leased via built-in marketplace, wallet, and swap function.

💥The Octopus Network is happy to announce that Yogain will continue to build their application as an Appchain in the Octopus Network. We look forward to watching this concept develop.💥

Plats Network

Octopus Star Prize Winner Plats Network

Plats Network is a community-owned Web3 Marketing Platform for global users, influencers, and businesses. Their mission is to expose public users and mainstream influencers to the blockchain industry, provide traditional businesses with the opportunity to digitally transform, and dispense value directly to targeted users rather than intermediaries. The Plats Network Action Hub has user-friendly B2B Web3 tools and libraries for Clients to create marketing campaigns.

Legal Music

Octopus Star Prize Winner Legal Music

Legal Music is building an out-of-the-box Web3 solution and NFT ticket marketplace to elevate the event experience for concert organizers, artists, and suppliers. Amongst other things, their NFT ticketing platform and internal money flow framework aims to eliminate intermediaries, solve ticket counterfeiting, enable artists to sell their merchandise at events, and improve the event industry over all by leveraging decentralized tech.


Octopus Star Prize Winner MixVerse

MixVerse is creating an Open Metaverse system featuring a VR/AR-Fi component which combines VR/AR, IoT, and Gameplay using officially certified VR/AR devices with unique mining attributes and IoT integrations. Its Metaverse, MixMeta, has myriad settings and will be interoperable with other Metaverses. MixSteam, its eco-level distribution platform, distributes games and apps, as well as IP and NFTs to all games and parallel metaverses built with its module. MixVerse is Multi-terminal Compatible for VR/AR devices, smartphones, and H5 (HTML5) web apps.


Octopus Star Prize Winner HorizonLand

HorizonLand is a play-to-earn, multi-esport Metaverse ecosystem with multiple in-world MMO esport games such as billiards, bowling, chess, poker, and more, supported by a multi-utility NFT mechanism. Horizonland’s cities are known as an esports paradise, with many high-class hotel structures, futuristic residential villas, and transportation (including flying cars!)

Octopus Network Global Substrate Developer Training

The application chain project based on the Substrate framework is the foundation of Octopus Network multi-chain construction.

Octopus Network launched the first Substrate Developer Training courses in China several years ago which are now operated by Parity. Since then, we have negotiated with partners worldwide to expand our courses globally, with our first courses held in Vietnam, Malaysia, and India.

Vietnam Substrate Training

  • 3nd Phase Registration — 270 applicants
  • Rust Training Completed

Malaysia & India Substrate Training

  • 1st Hackathon Winning Teams
  • First Prize: Waldo (decentralized resume platform)
  • Second Prize: Sus (decentralized resume platform)
  • Third Prize: AbhiX (decentralized resume platform)
  • Fourth Prize: Blockchaingers (decentralized trader information platform)

June Media Highlights

  1. Hackernoon — Gaming Network Effects And Their Paradoxes
  2. Genetic Sovereignty & Web3 with Pandu Sastrowardoyo — CEO DeBio
  3. Octopus Network <> Hackernoon #Web3 Writing Contest — May Winners!
  4. Application-Specific Oracles Expand the Boundaries of Web3
  5. Octopus Star Prize Winners — Accelerator Program Summer 2022
  6. Yogain Appchain Joins Octopus Network

Web3 Demystified — Web Security in the Web3 Era

Web3 Demystified with Brett Johnson

In this episode of Web3 Demystified, host Vivi Lin and Brett Johnson — formerly renowned OG United States Most Wanted hacker — discuss the explosion in cybercrime and how mass adoption of Web3 technology can help eliminate vulnerabilities with trustless blockchain systems that achieve consensus with code rather than faulty human judgment.

D-CORE Podcast — Incubating the Future

Incubating the Future, Podcast, with Sheldon Dearr, Tech Lead, Octopus Network

Join Sheldon Dearr, Tech Lead of the Octopus Network, for this in-depth discussion led by DCore on the future of Octopus Network’s multi-chain network ecology, including the incubation of application chains, team building, and talent development.

💥Listen to Incubating the Future Podcast💥

Crypto Cypher Podcast — Tokenize Everything to Capture More Value

Aaron Ting, Head of Community, Octopus Network on Crypto Cypher Podcast

In this episode of the Crypto Cypher Podcast, KOL Manager and host, Viktor Zaman of Cypher Capital, speaks with Aaron Ting, Head of Community, Octopus Network, about the true benefits of tokenization.

“In a bear market, there is less noise. Anyone who is working now, is serious. Any community that is active now, is your real community.” — Aaron Ting, Head of Community, Octopus Network

BeWater DevCon II, Developer Conference — Silicon Valley

Octopus Network Sponsors BeWater DevConII — Bridging the East and West Silicon Valley
OCW Enabled Application Specific Oracle, Luis Liu, Founder, Octopus Network

Join Louis Liu, Founder of Octopus Network, for this enlightening presentation at BeWater DevConII, Bridging the East and West, as he illustrates how Substrate application-specific off-chain workers act as oracles to support interoperability (and invites Web3 protocols to innovate with this technology to expand the boundaries of Web3 applications. )

Octopus Network Africa

Octous Network noted in CVLabs African Blockchain Industry and Company Overview

Did you know that between July 2020 and June 2021, crypto adoption in Africa grew by over 1200%, making it one of the fastest-growing continents in terms of adoption?

This African Blockchain Report by CVLabs demonstrates that Africa is not only a Crypto continent but an international driver in the utilization of blockchain as a transformative technology for humanity.

The Octopus Network Africa Team has been very active, as is reflected in this report.

💥Download the African Blockchain Report 2021💥

Congratulations Octopus Africa!

Follow Octopus Africa:

Twitter: @OctopusAfrica

Telegram: https://t.co/jSvgzvbyDB

June Event Highlights

Octopus Network Africa Bi-Weekly AMA — The Future of WEB3 in Africa

Join Octopus Network Africa for Bi-Weekly AMAs via Telegram

The Future of Web3 in Africa — Octopus Africa

Octopus Network Africa Bi-Weekly AMA — GameFi and P2E

Join Octopus Network Africa for Bi-Weekly AMAs via Telegram

GameFi and P2E — Octopus Africa

Octopus Network Sponsors Cross-Chain Hackathon — University of Texas, Austin

Octopus Network Sponsors EnCode Hackathon at University of Texas, Austin

Octopus Network Tech Lead, Sheldon Dearr, facilitates Cross-Chain Hackathon at the University of Texas, Austin, for Encode Club.

Octopus Network Sponsors NEAR Hacker House — Austin, Texas

Octopus Network Sponsors NEAR Hacker House, Austin, Texas

Octopus Network at Consensus2022 — Austin, Texas

Octopus Network at Consensus2022, Austin, Texas

Follow Octopus Network!

中文版本 Original by MiX

