Introducing Omny’s Visualised Audio

Omny Studio team
Omny Studio blog
Published in
2 min readOct 21, 2016

On top of auto-levelling, review tracking and consumption analytics — Omny Studio has just added another new feature add-on — Visualised Audio.

Omny Studio customers can now generate beautiful looking, customisable videos with animated waveforms to share on social media. Visualised Audio is intended to help podcasters promote their shows by sharing short snippets on social media.


Social, Visualised, Audio

Social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter serve content to their users based on algorithms. These algorithms prioritise native content or content that doesn’t link out of the platform. This is one of the reasons why sharing our visualised audio videos on these platforms is the best way to share your clip. By uploading the video natively, you are ensuring that platforms like Facebook are putting your video in front of as many people as possible.

Plus, the fact that the video is moving means that it’s more likely to catch someones eye!

The Numbers

WNYC (the home of Podcasting juggernaughts Radiolab and This American Life) gathered data around their own visualised audio offering called “Audiograms” earlier this year. Here are the main findings:

1) Average engagement for an audiogram is 8x higher than non-audiogram tweets.

2) On Facebook, some shows see audiograms outperform photo posts by 58% and photo posts by 83%.

3) Audiogram completion rates are 35–50% higher than video completions. Audiograms should be no longer than 30 seconds*

3) 25% more Twitter impressions than video tweets.

Listen to all the findings in the full presentation here.

*Visualised Audio should be presented in a snackable length — 30 seconds or less is the ideal length. The audio should compliment a short headline and/or a call to action like subscribing to your podcast!

How Can I Make One?

For Omny Studio customers on the Professional $9 USD per month plan or higher this feature is free!


