“Gabri Veiga: Europe’s Hottest Prospect on the Radar of European Giants”

The Final Third.
On a Hattrick
Published in
3 min readJun 20, 2023

Gabri Veiga, a versatile and dynamic midfielder, has had a remarkable season despite his team’s struggles, catching the attention of European clubs. Here’s a breakdown of his strengths and weaknesses:


1. Game Intelligence: Veiga is highly regarded for his exceptional game intelligence. He possesses a keen understanding of the game, allowing him to anticipate opponents’ movements and make intelligent decisions on the field. This enables him to position himself effectively and make precise passes, shots, and defensive contributions.

2. Ball Carrying: Known for his impressive ball-carrying skills, Veiga excels at driving his team’s attacks forward. He utilizes his dribbling ability to maneuver past opponents and create space for himself and his teammates. This enables him to progress the ball up the field and generate scoring opportunities.

3. Defensive Work Ethic: Despite his attacking mindset, Veiga is recognized for his strong defensive work ethic. He willingly tracks back and contributes defensively, utilizing his energy and tenacity to regain possession for his team. His defensive efforts disrupt the opposition’s attacks and help prevent goals.

4. Eye for Goal: Veiga possesses a keen eye for goal and consistently finds the back of the net. He has a knack for scoring from long range or challenging angles, showcasing his accurate and powerful shooting ability. His goal-scoring prowess adds an extra dimension to his team’s attack.

5. Clever Runs Behind the Defense: Veiga’s ability to make intelligent runs behind the defense is a notable strength. With his pace and movement, he creates scoring opportunities for himself and his teammates. By stretching the opposition’s defense, he opens up space for others to exploit.


1. Decision-making in the Final Third: Veiga’s decision-making in the final third can be a weakness. While he excels at dribbling out of pressure, he sometimes struggles to make the right decisions on the fly. In certain situations, he could benefit from passing to his teammates in the opposition penalty box instead of attempting difficult shots in tight spaces.

2. Dribbling: Although Veiga is skilled at beating multiple players with his dribbling, he occasionally gets caught in possession due to overly aggressive runs. Improving his decision-making during dribbling situations and knowing when to release the ball to a teammate would help him maintain possession and contribute to ball control.

3. Pass Completion Percentage: Veiga’s pass completion percentage is a concern, albeit he tends to attempt line-breaking passes to break down the opposition’s defense. While the low completion percentage may be attributed to the nature of his passes, becoming more well-rounded and improving his distribution skills would benefit his overall game.

4. Defensive Instincts: While Veiga’s speed and athleticism make him a useful pressing weapon, his defensive instincts can be further developed. Compared to elite attacking midfielders, he doesn’t intercept or win duels at a high rate. Enhancing his defensive awareness and ability to win challenges would make him an even stronger asset on the field.

As Veiga continues to grow and develop, addressing these weaknesses will be crucial for his progression and a potential move to a top club.



The Final Third.
On a Hattrick

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