6 Facebook Ads That Will Hurt Your Brain

Do not attempt to replicate these ads…

Steve Liu
On Advertising
2 min readAug 28, 2016


Hello, wonderful people of the internet!

I’m Steve and I’m building a Facebook community of like minded people who 1) love eCommerce/ Facebook Ads and 2) want to learn/ share their experience with hundreds of other members.

By clicking on this article you are already the type of person I want in my community!

I’d love to chat soon, join me here.

Enjoy the article!

#1 Who’s O’Reilly?

#2 Do Not Capitalise Everything

#3 Check all your links

#4 Get a decent image and copy

#5 Shorten your description to 1 or 2 lines

#6 Use appropriate URLs

That’s all folks.

Tune in next time for the successful ads that you should replicate.

P.S. Be sure to sign up to our beta here if 1) you are an awesome, supportive person, or 2) you love to create engaging customer advertising journeys.

P.S.S. If you want to learn about the top 3 strategies agencies use for Facebook Advertising click here.

Much love,


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Steve Liu
On Advertising

University of NSW | Student | Startups | A couple of friends and I built a drag and drop ads tool for FB & Twitter. Sign up to the beta: http://www.flobox.io