Will Smith, Cultural Synchrony & A Climate Crisis

Matt Klein
On Advertising
Published in
4 min readNov 2, 2022


Let’s zoom out to set the stage.

We’re heading full speed down the Long Tail of the Creator Economy. The cumulative 99% of Creators are competing with the traditional 1% (institutions). The niche is flourishing — winning even — and we’re beginning to finally find representation in our products and titles. There’s something for each of our tastes. Communities too. It’s never been easier to find your tribe. And with that, tribalism.

Meanwhile, each of our feeds have become hyper-personalized — one-in-a-trillion. We’re evidently in control of our view of culture. And with that, bespoke facts and realities.

But when it comes to belonging, what the Long Tail, A.I. and mass-customization offers on a personal scale, it erases in the macro sense.

As we spend more time in segmented bubbles and chambers, we stray farther away from the crowd. Specificity and personalization are invaluable, but not everything.

There remains a craving for the collective experience.

In an age where devastation is omnipresent, the headlines that bring us together are more grim than not. In 2022, it’s the negative that’s become our global rallying call: “Eat the rich. The world’s on fire. War?!” Just pick your crisis.



Matt Klein
On Advertising

Cultural Theorist + CyberPsychologist + Strategist. Foresight Lead at Reddit. Newsletter analyzing the overlooked: ZINE.KleinKleinKlein.com