Is a Writing Coach Right for You?

How to work with a writing coach to grow and prosper as a writer

Patricia Haddock
On Being a Writer


Is a Writing Coach Right for You? How to work with a writing coach to grow and prosper as a writer
Credit: cvpericias@Pixabay

Generally, you hire a writing coach to help you improve a skill or solve a unique problem in a specific area, such as blogging, content marketing, grammar and punctuation refresher, structural issues, and other types of writing challenges you are facing.

A coaching program might be right for you if you are eager to grow as a writer, and you:

  • Need one-on-one, focused attention to improve your writing skills.
  • Wish to improve your writing skills to create articles and guest posts that expand your audience and influence
  • Need to refine your written communication skills to advance your career.
  • Want to find your voice, communicate your unique value, and attract clients.
  • Are interested in creating content that you can repurpose into information products for passive income.
  • Are eager to showcase your expertise and express your ideas more clearly and with greater impact.
  • Desire honest feedback from a professional to level up your writing.
  • Want to tailor your writing for different markets and audiences.
  • Are open to constructive feedback and guidance and are committed to improving.

When you start working with a coach, you set goals with them and work together to close the gap between where you are now and where you want to go. The focus is on future performance, improvement, and success.

Usually, coaching services are provided as a package of weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly meetings via Zoom or another online service.

More information on my website.



Patricia Haddock
On Being a Writer

Writer, editor, coach helping people move from where they are to where they want to be. Find me at Mind Cafe, Illumination, Coffee Times. &