Week 3 Alignment Chart

On Blast
Published in
5 min readSep 29, 2020

By: @benny, @kong

This week’s feature is…the Alignment Chart. Commentary and assignments are provided courtesy of a collab between Benny and Kong.

Find out where you slot in below:

Chaotic Neutral

Benny is a chaotic neutral only because his goodness and evil break-even. Sometimes, Benny advocates for ethics. Other times, he’s sorted straight to House Slytherin to chill with “Head Boy” of Slytherin — Caleb. When empowered, Benny has a deep inner desire to not only rob others (as he attempted to do with Jesse), but also twist the knife, as he continues to provide retrospective after retrospective of the trade. Benny is also chaotic because he doesn’t rob others often, as he ends up being taken for a ride by others, trading for NE Patriots Defense, a hill he is willing to die on. — @PL

Benny taking the Pottermore Quiz

Theo is often the initiator of game-changing trades that ultimately benefit somebody else (often so that Theo can get his hands on one of his precious Chargers players) and then drifts away to K-POP land, while the league suffers the consequences.

Ramon, on the other hand, often seems a hapless babe, being fed the deceitful lies of Wormtongue (aka Paul Liang), until he agrees to a lopsided trade, much to the (yearly) dismay of the other GMs. A strong draft this year, credited to the XL margarita buzz, has the chance to dispel some of this reputation, as long as he doesn’t trade away another league-winner.

Neutral Evil

The Heisenberg of CTTS — Alex has built a reputation for desiring a championship above all else, and every year that he fails to achieve his goal, one must wonder to what depths he’s willing to go in order to win his prize…

Lawful Good

Kong is definitely on the side of the law (some might say he’s too much a stickler for the rules), and generally advocates for fair & equal play for everyone involved, whether it be in Fantasy Football, Flag Football, or Beisbol. Except when the rules suddenly become disadvantageous to him, then he might make an exception, and even laugh at the hypocrisy of it.

The true North Star of the league, Vince has always been the voice for the heart of the law and fair evaluation of all league activity, diametrically opposed to the ongoing activities of Caleb. Unfortunately, this approach has not merited him a top 3 finish since his championship win the first official year of the league (2013), but if/when he does win again, it will be a moral victory for all.

Lawful Neutral

While he vehemently opposes the “poo poo mouths” of the league, Danny deals with GMs with respect and thoughtfulness. Rarely do you see a trade with Danny that is lopsided or contested, and he’s seen some league success, hoisting the CTTS trophy in 2016.

Gordon is the same in CTTS as he is IRL — steady, fair, and even-keeled. That is all.

Neutral Good

Sammy would never intentionally cheat somebody out of a deal or engage in shady practices, but what if the system made an error in his favor? We’re not so sure he wouldn’t just look the other way.

Josh’s moral compass prevents him from deliberately causing harm to others in the form of illicit trade activity, but he is also preoccupied with being a good dad to Hudson, that we’re not sure he would know the value of players if asked. Case in point, Phillip Rivers QB-ing for the Colts was a week 1 shock to the system, and he also accepted $141 FAAB dud Nyheim Hines in a trade this week (Lawful Evil Paul at it again).

Lawful Evil

The Grima Wormtongue of CTTS, PL can often be found whispering subtle deceits into the ears of unsuspecting GMs, lowering the value of their star players week in and week out until he makes a fateful trade offer that the GM has no more personal will to deny. Most seasons, the King Theoden to Paul’s Wormtongue has been simple, neutral Ramon. But other GMs have fallen prey, as well.

Chaotic Good

$50 for Kittle? Remember the Keenan Allen debacle (how can you not when we are reminded at least 4 times a year)? Jesse is trying his very hardest to make the right decisions for his team, but his transactions have been some of the most hotly debated subjects within the league over the last 5 years. Team Death, featuring RB1 James Robinson and not much else, may be another topic for the ages.

Chaotic Evil

Caleb has been involved in nearly every league controversy since the inception of CTTS, arguing for GM rights much to the chagrin of the commissioners each year, so much so that he has somehow gotten the league to accept himself as commissioner this year. For all of his trade activity and bluster (and there is a LOT of trade activity), his team hasn’t actually fared that well, only achieving a top 3 finish one time in 7 years. We have an itching suspicion that his joy comes less from team standings, and more from sowing seeds of dissension among the other GMs in the league, constantly reminding everyone of the “bad trades” they’ve made in years past.

Caleb turned Ekeler into Fournette and Akers. Will Arians build hotels on Oriental Ave?

Neutral Neutral

PC took 3 TEs and 2 QBs on draft day, which may have been viewed as a shrewd decision, if he had made any meaningful trades following the TE scoring explosion his team had Week 2. Instead, he traded away one TE for another TE (and Tre’quan Smith) to ensure he continues to have the depth in case of an unforeseen tight end injury storm. Neither scheming nor law-abiding.

