A Passing of the Torch

Mitchell Earl
On Breaking the Mold
4 min readMar 27, 2024


I’m writing to share an important update today; but first, I’d like to offer some context.

In the life of a business, a decade is a long time. Especially the first decade. Most businesses fail within the first year, let alone 10. It requires many miracles in order for a business to survive its 10th anniversary, and people to pull off those miracles.

Over our first decade in business, the Praxis team has included countless incredibly talented, hard-working, and humble people. The kind of people who rolled up their sleeves and attended to whatever problem needed solved in order to ensure Praxis succeeded into the future.

Telling the story of Praxis requires telling the story of the people behind it. Praxis would not be where it is today without the people who have helped make the business into what it is today.

It has required incredible amounts of endurance, sacrifice, vision, patience, creativity, humility, enthusiasm, and more. But of the many people who have been involved, no one has endured as much to ensure the continued success of Praxis as Cameron Sorsby.

Cameron’s story with Praxis predates the company’s founding. He was among the first people with whom Isaac Morehouse shared his vision for Praxis. Cameron took immediate action to support it by joining the very first cohort. But that was just the beginning.

Cameron became an early employee, eagerly jumping in to add value wherever he could. As time passed and the business evolved, so did Cameron’s role. What started as one hat, became many — always embracing additional responsibilities with the kind of quiet confidence and resolve that are both rare and admirable.

Cameron has never been one to seek praise or recognition. Even as Isaac passed him the torch and he assumed the post as CEO, Cameron maintained the same posture — an unwavering commitment to the success of Praxis without concern toward advancing his personal status.

For the past decade, Cameron has offered unimpeachable devotion to the success of Praxis and our students.

Praxis would not be where it is today without Cameron’s involvement. His contribution has enabled us to position the business for continued success into the future.

Still, it brings me a tinge of sadness to announce that Cameron’s story with Praxis will be taking a different shape into the future.

Like Isaac before him, Cameron has decided it is time to pass the torch. I will be taking over as CEO, and Cameron will be transitioning out of full-time involvement with the business. He will remain a loyal fan and alumni.

For the past five years, I’ve had the honor of working alongside Cameron day-in and day-out as we aimed to build a world class alternative to college together. Praxis would not be where it is today without Cameron, but neither would I.

My story with Praxis began shortly after Cameron’s, and he played an integral part — which expanded over time. Cameron first played the role of advisor, which evolved into the role of friend and then roommate. Eventually, we became colleagues, and later, business partners.

We shared the early arc of our careers together. Two young, hungry, tenacious guys eager to take the world by storm and build our own empires. In many ways, we were a perfect match. Our temperaments, skill sets, and perspectives complemented one another’s. We pushed one another to work harder, think differently, and continue growing.

For half a decade before I joined the Praxis team, Cameron and I daydreamed about business ideas — including the future of Praxis. We shared a mutual fire for building businesses, mentoring young adults, and leaving the world better than we found it.

Cameron has succeeded wildly on all accounts. He is leaving Praxis, our students and alumni — including me — better than he found them.

As Cameron authors the next chapter of his story, I ask that you join me in celebrating him for a decade of remarkable effort to make Praxis into what it is today. Cameron has shared his thoughts here, and I encourage you to leave a comment to thank him. I am grateful to have partnered with him in this endeavor, and equally as grateful to call him a friend.

I look forward to cheering on his continued success, and to carrying the torch of Praxis boldly into the future.

Mitchell Earl

Originally published at https://discoverpraxis.com on March 27, 2024.



Mitchell Earl
On Breaking the Mold

COO @DiscoverPraxis | I write education, career, and money advice for young adults who are just getting started.