Apprentice at a Startup

Get a full time job in 9 months. Start your career now. No degree required.

On Breaking the Mold
2 min readJul 6, 2016


Today we’re excited to announce some changes at Praxis.

Just over three years ago, we launched Praxis with the goal of helping young people sidestep the normal career gatekeepers and achieve their professional goals much earlier on in life.

We’ve stuck by that vision and have had some amazing successes:

How does a 17 year old high school dropout with little prior work experience become a full time startup employee in 4 months?

How does a 23 year old with no college degree make over $150,000 per year as a VP of Sales?

They apprentice for 6 months at a startup through Praxis and go through our professional curriculum.

We’ve had over 30 participants graduate debt free to an average of $50,000 per year income and a 98% employment rate.

Successful participants range from college opt-outs to young professionals looking for more than the standard entry level career options.

Not bad.

But that’s just the beginning.

We’ve made some major improvements recently that we’ve detailed in the video below.

So what’s the big deal?

Praxis is a recognition that, whatever your degree status, the best learning happens in the real world and the best credential is built on the job by creating value.

We started with the assumption that when employers say “degree required,” they really mean “I want someone who can create value for me.” And we went about designing a program helps young people get the skills and experience to demonstrate this, whether or not they have a degree.

After completing a 3-month professional bootcamp, participants apprentice for 6-months at a startup where they are paid $15 per hour, shadow CEOs and experienced professionals, and get more work experience than 2 years at an entry level job. Successful graduates receive a full time job offer from their business partner of $40,000 or more.

Guild Quality CEO Geoff Graham

The future of Praxis

We’re now entering our third year. With 30 successful graduates, a 98% employment rate, and an average salary of $50,000 for a 20 year old with no college degree, we’ve proven the model.

We’re growing every month in applications, participants, business partners, graduates, and most of all young people with an unleashed approach to life.

We are thrilled to share this next chapter with you. And even more excited to see what our participants will accomplish.

Derek Magill

Derek Magill is the Director of Marketing at Praxis.



On Breaking the Mold

This whole college thing doesn’t seem to be helping you build a great career. We can. We’re a one-year program for young people who want more than college.