I’m Boston and here is how I am breaking the mold

Boston Cameron
On Breaking the Mold
4 min readSep 25, 2016

My name is Boston Cameron, I am a twenty year old sneakerhead from Utah. I am in the middle of this program called Praxis. Praxis is a program for young motivated entrepreneurs. My goal for is in a few years to open a one of a kind sneaker shop. Check out my website: http://bostoncameron.com

Why I decided to do Praxis.

I decided to do the Praxis program for a two main reasons. The first is that Praxis gives me the experience I need in a short one year program. I will be given an apprenticeship at a start up company where I will learn the skills I need to be successful in the business field. The second reason is the guaranteed job at the end of the program. I am going to be starting a family soon and a forty thousand dollar a year job will be an amazing thing to have already.

My philosophy on work.

“ I have failed over and over and over again in my life, and that is why I succeed.” -Michael Jordan

This quote helps me when I work. I tend to be really hard on myself; after this quote I am not afraid to work hard and not succeed the first time. Now I just work and work and work until I have succeeded.

One thing about me that no one knows.

I have always wanted to be a high school coach. I want to be able to influence kids and help them reach there goals. I have had many amazing and not so amazing coaches and I want to be a great help to teenagers.

Something that I believe that no on else believes.

I believe that sneakers are more expressive than the clothes that we wear. The sneakers that we wear define who we are. To me when I see a person with beat up sneakers it tells me that they don’t care about their appearance, whereas if someone is wearing some clean sneakers, they care about what they look like. Then there are some of us who take extra good care of there sneakers and are willing tog to great lengths to get sneakers. The sneakers you wear tell more about you than you think.

Projects I am working on right now.

The main project I am working on right now is called a sole swap. I have a pair of Jordan 5’s from 2000 and the foam for the midsole was starting to crack. So i bought a newer sneaker with the same midsole and took them off those to put on my Jordan’s. I have been working on them for a while now. Once they are done I can wear my Jordan’s again.

How I am pushing myself to be better.

I feel the biggest thing I am doing to better myself is doing the Praxis program. Without doing this program I would never do anything like this blog post. The program has made me stretch and work hard on things that I wouldn’t ever have done before.

How I stay organized.

Staying organized has always been a real struggle for me. In high school I would get home and have no idea what homework I had because I wouldn’t write it down. Now my notes app in my phone in filled up; I writ everything in there. TO me making spreadsheets and things of that nature don’t make sense to me. I always have my phone and am on it a lot. So it makes the most sense to me to use my phone.

How do I motivate myself on bad days?

The most effective way for me to motivate myself is very out of the ordinary. I hop on YouTube and start watching videos. Not any old lame video but videos of the greatest basketball player of all time. I watch Michael Jordan highlight films. Something about watching him makes me stop everything I am doing and work harder, than what I feels like, I have ever worked before.

Resources I use to boost my inspiration.

A lot of people would list books they read to boost themselves. I have such a hard time reading. I fall asleep almost every time I open a book. I have a youtube channel that I watch to boost my inspiration. The youtube channel is called “retrosnickers”. He does sneaker restorations, sole swaps, like what I am doing now, and custom sneaker projects. He helps me with techniques but also gives inspiration for new ideas.

Words to live by.

“Don’t do anything half heartedly.”

This was advice my dad gave me while in school. I failed a lot of classes and he helped to realize how dumb that was. I didn’t change right away but his advice has stuck with me.



Boston Cameron
On Breaking the Mold

I love fashion, mostly sneakers. I am a Praxis participant. I'm going to open my own sneaker shop. http://bostoncameron.com