Leading Sales After 4 Months — No MBA Needed.

A little over 6 months ago, I was in the midst of the Praxis application process.

Diana Zitting Paige
On Breaking the Mold
2 min readApr 26, 2016


At work, I’d check my phone in between each latte I’d make to see if I had received an email from the Praxis team. College seemed like a waste of time and money, but not going to college wasn’t getting me anywhere either. This was the perfect solution and I wanted so badly to get in. I was at work when I got my acceptance email. I yelled “YES!” and danced around. Luckily there were no customers to witness this. 😉

Fast forward to now, almost 6 months into the program.

I’m working at MailLift, closing thousand dollar sales on the daily. Q1 was MailLift’s most profitable quarter ever and I led with the top sales numbers.

On top of the growth I’ve created at my business partner, I’ve grown as a person, from gaining a professional internet presence, to learning how to stand out from people my age and from other applicants for a job, proving I can bring real value to the table (not just a degree), getting familiar with tons of sales tactics that I’ll use wherever I go, attaining website designing skills, knowing how to run different CRM’s like Infusionsoft and Close.io, learning how to use many different tools like Quickbooks and Stripe, knowing how to effectively deal with customers in all different kinds of moods, and so much more.

The most valuable thing I’m going to take away from the program is that I’ve learned a lot about myself and what I want to work towards.

Although my end goal isn’t certain, I now look at my options without any filters. There’s no longer a “that’s too risky,” or an “I can’t do that,” filter that my goals get caught up in. It’s now a straight shot from “I want to do that,” to “I can do that,” to “I’m going to do that.”

And the best is yet to come.

Diana Zitting, 18, is a Praxis participant. Her mission is to prove to the world that education is not one-size-fits-all, and that you can be successful without college.

Originally published at dianazitting.com on April 26, 2016.



Diana Zitting Paige
On Breaking the Mold

Diana is in Sales & Client Management at Platform Marketing, an advertising agency for realtors.