The 5 Reasons You Haven’t Applied to Praxis… Yet.

Lacey Jade Lanzo
On Breaking the Mold
5 min readJul 27, 2018

Back in my Praxis Bootcamp, I learned about marketing copy by doing an analysis of a post by a mattress brand called Tuft & Needle.

The first section of this post will walk through my break down of what I learned from Tuft & Needle. The second section will show how I applied what I learned, by talking about Praxis, while using the same formula as the Tuft & Needle post.

My goal in reviewing Tuft & Needles: The 12 Reasons You Haven’t Bought From Us… Yet. was to figure out the copywriting formula that they used for this post and to break that formula down into a step-by-step system.

Starting with the title, I’m already engaged because I was caught off guard! They are telling me that I haven’t bought anything… yet. With that “yet” so cleverly placed there, they indirectly told me that I will be buying their product. That confidence and boldness captured my attention.

As for the rest of the post, it appears they’ve used one 4-step formula for each of the 12 ‘reasons’ to buy their product.

Step 1: Question / Problem

Each reason starts with a question or dilemma coming from the customer’s perspective. Such as “What if X happened that I don’t like or isn’t good for me?”

Step 2: Agitate or Alleviate

Once the question is posed, the answer is provided in one of two ways: Agitating the issue or alleviating the concern. That would be terrible if X happened or X won’t happen because of Y.

Step 3: Clarify

Next is a small paragraph detailing why X won’t happen and what Y is specifically. Some of which include relatable stories about the founder.

Step 4: Prove

Although the clarification may have been the selling point for some people, proof of the claim is provided in the form of customer reviews and statistics. This gives extra comfort to potential customers that are still wary.

In addition to the reasons all having this solid 4-step structure, the 12 reasons also address these 5 primary objections of many potential buyers:

1. I don’t have enough time.
Question 3 talks about how simple the delivery process is and that you don’t have to take off work just to receive your mattress delivery.

2. I don’t have enough money.
Question 1 addresses the cost, so you know in a quick glance that it is a reasonable price. No hunting down the pricing list hidden behind three web pages of entering personal data. Just a simple list of sizes and the pricing clearly displayed.

3. It won’t work for me.
Question 6 shows the quality of this mattress vs. other similar online products. Plus, a diagram showing Amazon reviews to back it up!

4. I don’t believe you.
Each question has an area at the bottom showing reviews that mention the issue brought up in the listed questions. You don’t have to believe Tuft & Needle, just see what their customers have to say.

5. I don’t need it.
Question 12 is the very first one you see. “What if I don’t really need a new mattress?” The question here is completely slammed down with the reply: “Doctoring up your current sleep situation is never the answer.”

This is an excellent post that Tuft & Needle made, but more importantly, it seems to be effective. Now, for me to test out this same formula with my article: The 5 reasons you haven’t applied to Praxis… yet.

#5: What if I don’t have all the money right now?

Answer: You don’t have to.

Praxis has customized payment plans that will have you feeling confident about the program and happy with your investment. Praxis ensures that you will have the program paid off before or by the time you finish it.

Want some more details? Go to, and use the chat tool to talk with a real person! This is usually managed by a person named Drake, he’s a pretty cool dude! He can break down the basic outlines of the primary payment plans.

#4: What if it is just a scam?

Answer: Scams suck and don’t benefit anyone that invests in them. Praxis isn’t like that.

Praxis is not a scam, it is a legitimate purchase. It couldn’t be a scam because you have so much to gain from it. Check out the two podcasts called Forward Tilt and Office Hours. While listening to them, you can receive a ton of free valuable information and get to know Isaac and T.K.

Isaac Morehouse, CEO, and Founder of Praxis
T.K. Coleman, Education Director for Praxis

Want an honest review about the value that Praxis provides? Check out this video from Praxis Alumni, Jackson Sullivan.

#3: What if I don’t have enough time?

Answer: I bet you had enough time to binge watch that new fifteen episode Netflix series last week.

Praxis says that you should spend about fifteen hours per week on the program to-do’s — although you can spend more if you have special projects or want to do some extra learning. Some participants have even been in the program while finishing up high school or working a full-time job.

Although I am sure I am not the only one, I worked a 40-hour work week at an office job. All while working on my project of creating 30-videos in 30 days — for Excel video tutorials.

#2: Why don’t I just get another job and skip Praxis?

Answer: Maybe you should.

If all you want is another job, then you shouldn’t go to Praxis. Just remember that another job likely won’t teach you to be pliable and consistently increase your value to others. Praxis does teach you about those things. If you are looking to build yourself up and be more than just cog in the machine, then you should reconsider applying to Praxis.

Review the Praxis Program Guide. You will quickly see a small piece how much you will be creating in only a few months with the Praxis Program.

#1: What if it’s not for me?

Answer: Just apply now.

The fact that you have even gotten to this question, says that you need to apply. You don’t lose anything by going through the application process. You will gain a better understanding of the program though, and how you could fit into the Praxis program.

One of the Praxis Advisors told me, nearly a year ago, to just apply now. I ended up applying a half a year later. Although I think the timing worked out well anyhow, I now know that I would have been well off if I had listened to them. I wouldn’t have lost anything if I applied back then. Instead, I would have a better idea of what I was getting into earlier.

Don’t delay your application. You won’t regret it.



Lacey Jade Lanzo
On Breaking the Mold

I’m a wife, chihuahua mama and tiny house owner. MS Excel is my weapon of choice and psychology my jam. I write about a slew of other topics at