View Everything as Optional

Cameron Sorsby
On Breaking the Mold
2 min readMay 2, 2015


If you’re trying to create a life of your own the best thing you can do is to view everything as optional. If you’re like me, this might seem foreign to you at first. Throughout my childhood and time in college, much of how I spent my time and the relationships I had were predetermined by authority figures or the consequences I feared from not doing the things expected of me. This resulted in me either going along those expectations or avoiding a situation completely. Both of these ended up in dissatisfaction for all parties involved.

Over the last few years I have gradually started to craft the life I want to live. This has been challenging, but the freedom gained has been worth it. I’m continually developing relationships, old and new, that bring more joy to my life and that I can bring benefit to as well, since I’m more engaged. I’m also spending my time much more purposefully. This includes doing work I’m passionate about and spending more time reading, writing, and thinking about topics that interest me. I’ve been far from perfect. I still have trouble wasting time and not participating in activities that will lead to a better version of myself, but I definitely have a healthier balance of the two that leans heavily to purpose.

Nothing has allowed me to pursue more freedom and less fear in my life than letting go of things that don’t bring me happiness. If you’re wanting to craft a life that it truly your own, I implore you to leave everything on the table and decide what is worth keeping in your life and what it is that you need to create. Your relationships and activities don’t just take up precious time, they also use up your energy. It’s up to you to decide if you want to use up that energy with obligations or things that will contribute to a better version of yourself.

Cameron Sorsby coordinates marketing and education for the Praxis program. Cameron works closely with aspiring entrepreneurs through Praxis and participated in its inaugural class. He writes regularly at and the Praxis blog.

Originally published at on April 2, 2015.



Cameron Sorsby
On Breaking the Mold

COO at@DiscoverPraxis. Entrepreneurship, education, personal development, and sports