Why You’ll Never Achieve Your Goals

Jerrod Harlan
On Breaking the Mold
2 min readJan 6, 2018


It’s that simple.

Inaction is why you’ll never start your own business, learn a new language, drop those extra pounds, travel overseas, or make bushels of money.

Action is everything. Without it, all you have are thoughts and ideas.

But, here’s the thing; ideas are worthless without action!

More importantly, what’s even more interesting is… you may think that ideas and actions are equally important. “I mean, ideas are nothing without action, so action without ideas must be worthless too.” If that’s your thought process, then you are sadly mistaken. Some of the greatest achievers had nothing more than the ability to act. Ideas are a dime-a-dozen. Ideas are everywhere. There will literally never be a shortage of ideas that you can swipe, and use to create your own successes.

Some of the greatest pieces of music were nothing but tailored swipes of older music. In the words of prolific composer Igor Stravinsky, “A good composer does not imitate, he steals.” Stravinsky, Bach, Beethoven, and Mozart were obviously not waiting around for the perfect ideas to hit them. They simply acted. They just wrote. They synthesized ideas from the composers that inspired them.

In fact, I once heard a story about John Williams when he was composing the Star Wars theme. The legend is, that the Star Wars theme is actually just a reversal of notes from another score. If this is the case (I’ll let you make up your mind on that one), then even the great John Williams is not above taking someone else’s piece when he has a job to do, and money to make! He doesn’t have the time wait for the big idea; he just needs an idea.

I’m guessing that you’re not at John Williams or Igor Stravinsky’s level of prolific creation, so somebody else’s ideas should be just fine for you, should you be lacking them. Kudos to you if you are, but otherwise, I have a point to all of this…

The time to act is now.

If you don’t, then you can kiss your dreams goodbye.

If you are content with the pain of toiling away in obscurity, never setting yourself up for greatness or never achieving your life-long goals, then by all means, stay inactive. Stay at your 9–5 job. Continue to sit on the couch the minute you get home from work. Sleep in til noon on the weekends…

If that’s the life you want, then just stay as you are.

But, if you feel that you are destined for more in life, then there is no better time than this very instant to start.

Just act already.



Jerrod Harlan
On Breaking the Mold

I write copy for the best health/wellness company out there.