I’m coming over to your house

To Play

Yusuf Misdaq
2 min readApr 28, 2014

I’m coming over to your house after work. I’m just gonna sit there on a mattress in your room and play Duck Hunt on your Nintendo and not say a word for about 2 hours until sometime after the sun goes down. We’ll focus on the game, play non-stop, stare at the screen intently and there’ll be nothing but the sound of our button clicks and moves on the plastic arrow pad. Then after a bit we might start feeling hungry, but then right on cue someone who’s older than us, with a noble voice, is going to call our names. They’ll call us for dinner which they’ve cooked for us. It’s great, having someone cook for you. They’ll probably be calling us from downstairs because no-one has kitchens on the top floor, except that one house I saw once, that was weird. Anyway, it’ll be great, we’ll go down and eat whatever has been prepared for us. Then after food (and dessert of course) we’ll go back up and play some more, it’ll be even funner now because we’ll be full up.

Here we could be!

If the game freezes during play then that would be annoying, but what can we do about it? Nothing I suppose. I’ll just have to take the cartridge out and blow on it. Or you can do it. It depends who’s closer to the Nintendo at the time I suppose. Then when it works again, we can take turns to see who gets the high score. Hope it doesn’t crash again! That would be so annoying! But the truth is, you never know when it might.

If you want we could also play Street Fighter 2 and maybe Mortal Kombat or Slaughterhouse if I’m feeling twisted, but mostly, right now, after working in this office all day, I just feel like playing something pure and innocent like Duck Hunt, you know the game where you shoot and kill ducks that attempt to fly away to their freedom in the blue sky and u point the gun at the screen and shoot it down like Sheriff John Brown?

What do you want to do after that? We can’t go out ‘cos it’s dark now. Let’s stay here, it’s warm here. I like your house. Thanks for letting me come over.

