Don’t Follow The Little Guy?

Never under estimate anyone’s value on @Twitter.

Lorenzo Dickerson
3 min readApr 5, 2014

If you’re very active on @twitter, and continually concerned with how to best build your audience and gain more followers, you’ve probably heard these following statements as “rules” from so-called @twitter experts.

“Never follow anyone that has less followers than you.”

“Never follow anyone that has under _________ amount of followers.”

I DON’T hate to be the one to break it to you. But these statements are total myths, and I’m here to be the Myth-Buster today.

Have you ever worked for a company where you had to start at the bottom? You felt like you where so much smarter than all of upper management? No one listened to you solely because of your title? Or maybe you were in high-school, and were the smartest kid in class, but you weren’t popular. You got straight A’s, but had no friends. You were not well-connected, and that’s the only way people saw you?

These stories are the exact same with @twitter users. I know you’ve heard the term “Don’t judge a book by it’s cover”. So why do we do this when it comes to @twitter? Again, just like high-school, we are influenced by our peers. We listen to everyone else, instead of thinking critically for ourselves. Its Social Media Peer Pressure.

There are MANY very important, influential and highly connected people on @twitter, that have a very low number of followers. These are accomplished people that are the heads of companies, have valuable info to share, and that you can learn a lot from. It would be in your benefit to connect with them aside from how many twitter followers they happen to have.

Here are some examples of Chief Executive Officers of successful tech and digital marketing companies. They all have a small number of followers, but all are still Thought-Leaders. Some people may just not be as active online as others. Take a look, and FOLLOW. The so-called “Little Guy” may not be so little after all.

Joel Holland — Founder & CEO of Video Blocks, #4 fastest growing media company in the US in 2012 — Washington, DC.
Court Cunningham — CEO at Yodle — New York, NY
Aaron W. Houghton — Cofounder & CEO at, Former CoFounder at iContact — Durham, North Carolina

Be your own person, and follow who is important to you. Thought-Leaders are based on thought, not their number of @twitter followers. What if everyone else is following a fraud? You do know that people purchase Fake Twitter Followers full of empty, dormant accounts, right? Don’t be one, and don’t follow one of those people. #BeAuthentic, #BeCredible, and #BeValuable. Just remember that #ContentIsKing, and those whom produce it with relevancy will become the leaders of tomorrow.



Lorenzo Dickerson

Documentary Filmmaker, Screenwriter, Storyteller, Traveler, Husband, Dad.