The Reviews Are In — Bots on Discord Update

Brandon Russell
On Discord
Published in
3 min readDec 24, 2019

It’s time for a new update to Bots on Discord, and this one is something I’ve been waiting to release for a long time. You know that terrible voting system most sites use? The one that doesn’t work well because it was designed by people only looking to make money? Well we’re throwing that in the trash and replacing it with something new. Something I’ve designed to actually help accomplish our goals to make finding bots easier, provide bot owners with feedback, and to bring people back to the site: Reviews.

Every bot page now shows reviews from real people that have used the bot. Bots are also able to reward people for writing reviews. Now I know you may be asking “But won’t they just force people to give positive reviews?” Our rules explicitly prohibit review influencing, and all you have to do is report it to a moderator and we’ll take their bot off the list.

We’ll also encourage users to review bots they’ve added by showing them this prompt a few days after they add a bot on the site.

Reviews will serve as the new statistic for displaying the best bots on the site first. This should work much better than votes, which reward only certain types of bots, and drown out smaller but well-made bots.

Anywhere bots are shown on the site, their rating is shown too. This will help users know which bots are worth their time at a glance.

Average rating replaces total votes on user pages

This update has been in development for months, so it includes some other small things too. For example, I’ve redesigned the custom scroll bars, which you can see below.

Old vs. New scrollbars

Some other notable things are improved bot requirements, the re-addition of bot cards showing tag descriptions for tag sections/pages, and re-naming the terribly named “Bot body” to “Bot overview”.

I hope this reviews feature is something you find useful and/or beneficial. I still have tons of things planned, including re-working our bot soon™, so look forwards to more in 2020 and beyond.

If you would like to read the public version of the full boring changelog you can read it here:



Brandon Russell
On Discord

Owner of Bots on Discord and Mirai Bot for Discord