Charities in Sri Lanka

A very rough audit

Nuwan I. Senaratna
On Economics
3 min readFeb 22, 2021


I’ve been searching the web and elsewhere for a list of Sri Lankan charities. The best I could found was this list of 81 approved charities on the Inland Revenue Department Website. It was last updated in December 2019 — so there might be some charities not on the list.

This article is a summary of my findings.

Donate Online

The most important thing I wanted to learn was whether it is possible to donate to a charity online via a Credit Card or other service.

Sadly, only 5 of the 81 charities had this option.

  1. ​HelpAge Sri Lanka (
  2. Prithipura Infants Home (
  3. SOS Children’s Villages Sri Lanka (
  4. Sri Lanka Cancer Society (
  5. St. Joseph’s Educational Foundation for the Hearing Impaired (

Donate Offline

The next best option was to donate offline via bank transfer.

In addition to the 5, which had the online option, another 12 websites had an option to pay via bank transfer.

  1. Canadapura Children’s Home (
  2. Centre For Handicapped (
  3. Colombo Friend-in-Need Society (
  4. Colombo Young Men’s Buddhist Association (
  5. FRIDSRO Children’s Home (
  6. ​Hospital Services Council (
  7. Seemasahitha Matara, Arogya Seva Samithiya (
  8. Siyane Korale East — Social Service League Obesekara Elders Home (
  9. Sri Lankadhara Society Limited (
  10. The Ceylon Moor Ladies Union (
  11. Udaya Children’s home (
  12. YMBA Maharagama (

Disclaimer: I have not checked if the transfer details are legitimate or accurate. If you plan to donate, more diligence is advised.

View Website

Another 23 charities had some information online, usually via a Website or Social Media page, though no visible method for donations.

  1. All Ceylon Buddhist Congress (
  2. Cancer Care Association — Sri Lanka (​
  3. Ethanamadala Sahana Elders Home (
  4. Hindu Bord of Education (
  5. Hindu Women’s Society Limited Colombo (
  6. Isha Athul Islam Home for the Orphans (
  7. Kalutara Bodhi Trust (
  8. Kanadarawa Thapowana Vihara Building Fund (
  9. Kandy Friend-in-need society (
  10. Little Sisters of the Poor (
  11. Mallika Nivasa Samithiya (Society) Limited (
  12. Moors” Islamic Cultural Home (
  13. ​Moratuwa Social Service Society (Elders Home) (
  14. Ramakrishna Sarada Mission (
  15. Rohana (blind, deaf )Special School and Hostel (
  16. Sahanoda Elders Home (
  17. Saviya Development Foundation (
  18. Seemasahitha Sarvodaya Suwasetha Seva Samithiya (
  19. Shilpa Children’s Trust (
  20. Sisters of Charity of Jesus and Mary (
  21. Sri Lanka Technical Institute & Diyagala Boy’s town (
  22. Sudaya Trust (
  23. The Brave Hearts Fund of the Seva Vanitha Army Unit (

No Online Presence

The remaining 41 Websites had no online presence (as far as I could find).

You can find a spreadsheet with more details here.

Concluding Thoughts and Caveats

Like I said, this is a very rough audit. A lot more work is needed to get a complete picture of Charities in Sri Lanka.

Also, if you know of any charities not on the list or incorrectly represented, please comment.

Having said that, I’m curious about the following:

  • Why don’t more charities have online donation options? Especially those that already have offline donation options? It should be fairly low-cost to connect their bank accounts to donations products.
  • Why do many charities have no donation options? Is it because their donor base is locked in? Or is it because donors are not online?
  • Finally, why do many charities not have an online presence? Is it a lack of resources for building websites etc? Perhaps a lack of expertise?



Nuwan I. Senaratna
On Economics

I am a Computer Scientist and Musician by training. A writer with interests in Philosophy, Economics, Technology, Politics, Business, the Arts and Fiction.