On work

Confessions of a working man

Nuwan I. Senaratna
On Economics
2 min readDec 5, 2018


“You need to do something today” [I say]

Doing my bit

Why? [You say]


Because that’s what people do. People do stuff. People work. People are productive.

In other words, people are supposed to be changing things for the better. And people are.

Doctoring sick people. Engineering bridges and microchips. Teaching stupid kids to be smart kids. Cooking chickens into curries. Accounting spreadsheets into annual reports. Policing the guilty into jail. Lawyering the innocent out of jail. All sorts of betterments and bettermentations.

So, I need to do something today, because I need to do my bit to change things for the better.

Money makes the world go round

Oh, and because you get paid.

People pay money for better things. And pay money to other people make things better. For example, people don’t want to be sick, and hence pay a doctor to make them better.

So it’s generally accepted that betterment is measured by money. The more betterment, the more money. If you find a way to make a lot of better for a lot of people, you can bring home a lot of butter.

Feeling good about yourself.

But it’s not just about the money. There’s potential. — your potential. “Actualizing” all the potential you’re endowed with.

Hence, if you can run, you must run faster. If you can study, study harder. And if you can cook, cook spicier. And do all of this to make things better. For bettermentation.

“But why”[You say]

But why?

Because you can be a good person. You can have all the good things people have. You can get married. Settle down in a nice house. Rare children. All of these required self actualization, bettermentations, and money. In other words, you need to do your bit and work.

“But why”[You say, again]

But why? (Revisited)

“What if I have a different definition of a good person?” [You continue] “What if you don’t need all the things “normal” good people should have?”

“What?” [I say] “A different definition. Like what? What if you don’t need money and the house, and all the other nice things? But then how will you live? Where will you find money? And what about selfing your actualization? And doing your bit?”

“I have some money. Enough money” [You say]. “And I think my actualization is bit different from your actualization”.

“But what about doing your bit?” [I say] “And being a good person?”

“Who says what a good person is? ” [You say]

“Good People” [I say]

“And who says what a good is? ” [You say]

“Good People” [I say]

“And who says they can say that? ” [You say]

“Good People” [I say]

At this point, you realize there is little point arguing with me, and go about your business.

[1] http://media.iwm.org.uk/ciim5/142/980/large_000000.jpg



Nuwan I. Senaratna
On Economics

I am a Computer Scientist and Musician by training. A writer with interests in Philosophy, Economics, Technology, Politics, Business, the Arts and Fiction.