
We are the Reason We Seek

umair haque
a book of nights
2 min readAug 17, 2016


Existential despair. You’ve had it, I’ve had it. We’re livings things in a cold, dead, vast, indifferent universe. Creation is impossibly remote. Eons ago, something exploded. Now we’re here. Utterly helpless. To make sense or reason of life.

That’s the unspoken assumption which shapes so much of our lives. We try to squeeze as much life in before we die, thinking all that. Or trying very hard not to think it. That’s what despair really is, right?

I think this it's truer to say:

The universe is always creating itself. Time and space are products of awareness, as quantum evidence suggests. True reality is pure awareness. No substance, no form. No “explosion”. Just awareness learning to see.

If awareness is the fundament, the origin, the real, then the universe is always creating itself. In every instant, though even that is inaccurate because “time” is one of the things that is created. It is really just seeing itself, and that act of seeing is creating it’s shape and features.

Just as when you really see someone, love is born. When the universe sees itself, time, space, objects are born. And you are a little part of all that, but also the mightiest part.

What about us, you and I? Why are we here? If the universe is always creating itself, we are here to experience that very process of creation. Which never ends. Creation is better called a way than an act.

There is just awareness, and the final cause of all this awareness is us.

We are the reason it is here. It is not the reason we are here. Just really see it for a moment.

We can see what pure awareness can’t. It can see this act of creation. But it can’t see the created. It can see possibility, energy, “quantum indeterminacy”, but not the tree shimmering in the sunset.

We, on the other hand, can see the created, but not the act of creation. We can see the tree, the sunset, the heartstopping beauty of it all.

And so through us, pure being sees what it alone cannot. We are the reason it is here, it is not the reason we are here.

The distance between us and creation is zero. No eons separate us from some great explosion. There is nothing to despair over. No room for anything but beauty, grace, love. Not as abstract thoughts, but lived realities. That is when we bring pure awareness to its highest and truest essence.

We are the very creation we seek.



August 2016

