
The Movement and the Moment

umair haque
a book of nights
3 min readAug 30, 2016


Here we are, you and I. Trying to catch the moment.

Do we succeed? Maybe we furrow our brows and concentrate immensely, like our teachers tell us. But still the moment slips away.

We are not seeing in a genuine way yet.

Here I am, there you are. The distance between us is infinite. Therefore, the time dividing us is too.

Seeing this way, there is only time and space, which divide us impossibly. And no true connection is possible. Can we love this way, if we are totally separated beings? We cannot. Maybe we can pity one another. But love is giving, and nothing can cross infinite time and space. Not even light.

Now we are condemned to the fall. To meaninglessness, death, futility, despair.

Now we are modern people.

But you know and I know all this is a foolish intellectual game. Our minds play with us. We know this purely through experience. The moment you love, give, rebel, defy, forgive, there is a truer reality. Something in you awakens.

And you catch the moment. What happened?

You are awareness, I am awareness. In this way, I am in you, you are in me, and all is in us.

Pure being is awareness. There is a part of that infinity in you, just as there is in me. But the infinite can’t be divided anything less, smaller, littler. Therefore all of being is in you, just as it is in me.

The divided mind struggles to understand this. How can “all” of something be in two things at once?

The answer is simple, isn’t it? The two things aren’t. There is just one. Or from the inner perspective of awareness, there is zero.

If there are no things to cross between, time is revealed for the illusion it is. No things, no time. A clock with no hands can’t measure any sense of time.

Now you are arriving.

If there is no time flowing between things, where does our sense of time come from? From the little mental illusion of self, which creates objects. The instant it goes, time stops, the clock breaks, the hands fall away.

In reality, there is only foreverness. Just one instant, and in that instant, all things are always happening, rising, falling, beginning, ending. Birth, death, suffering, beauty, nobility, joy, you, me. Now is always.

Just sit with it. Can you hold that? Don’t try with your mind.

Just see an ocean. On this ocean, there are always waves rising and falling. Where is time here? The movement is the moment. And a single movement contains all moments. If you can hold this, you will see that your movement has always contained all your moments.

Every moment is all moments, and so the one true moment contains foreverness.

There are moments you catch a tiny glimpse of foreverness. You fall in love, you see the sunset, the leaves fall, a child smiles, an old man walks. You see yourself in all of them, and that self you are seeing sees itself in what you used to call you. Just a tiny glimpse of foreverness bursts the heart, absolves the demons, purifies the mind. And that is why we are always chasing foreverness.

We are here in this to life to see. We were created from awareness, to experience love, so being could hold itself.

That is why you capture the moment at the instant of love.



August 2016

