What’s Your Worth As a Web Developer?

John Morris
On Freelancing
Published in
3 min readJun 9, 2016

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I met my wife in Iraq.

Now, if you know anything about the military you know that there’s usually about 50–100 guys for every 1 female. And when you’re in another country, locked on a base… well you can imagine…

She was clearly the prize.

So are you.

I’ve ran across this several times throughout my career. There’s a tendency among business people (your clients) to under-value developers. To look at you as a dime a dozen… and not always treat you with respect.

You can hear it in their condescending “just do what I said” tone.

The way they shoot down your warnings and recommendations.

And how they often claim all the credit for the success of a project.

It can be quite infuriating.

Truth is, though… some developers are a dime a dozen.

Skill is one thing… but there’s way too many who don’t communicate well, are hard to work with, moody, insecure and just a general pain in the you know what.

(I know… I get a lot of hate mail from them!)

But, when you really know what you’re doing…

It’s a whole different game. You command respect… not because you demand it but because your clients recognize they damn well better listen. You know what you’re doing and they better pay attention.

YOU are the prize.

And, your reputation will precede you.

Clients (bosses, customers, whoever) will recognize the significant role you play in their projects. They’ll give you the credit you deserve. And, by the way, they’ll pay you well for it.

There’s two lessons in this:

First, your job is to know what the hell you’re doing. That’s your focus. Putting in the hours and energy to make sure your skillset is up to snuff. That when you walk in that room or jump on that call… you know… your s!@# is straight.

And then being confident and knowing… that you know what you’re doing.

Not faking it. Being it.

Not pretending… but doing.

The second lesson is remembering YOU are the prize.

Because when you really know what you’re doing… you are.

You’re not a dime a dozen. You’re the gem. The flower among the crap. And, you must refuse to let clients treat you any other way.

I’m not recommending being an a-hole.

But, have boundaries. Know your worth and don’t be afraid to own it. Because, the truth is, really good developers…

Who know their s!@#…

Who communicate well…

Who aren’t a pain in the rear to work with…

are hard to find. And, if you are one… you deserve to be treated as such.

Don’t forget that.

Now, if you want to get your PHP skillset up to snuff, I’m just about to release my PHP 101 course over on Patreon. Consider becoming a supporting listener at the “Exclusive Courses” level and you’ll get access to it here shortly. Join up at http://www.johnmorrisonline.com/patreon

P.S. If you liked the show, give it a like and share with the communities and people you think will benefit. And, you can always find all my tutorials, podcast episodes and more on johnmorrisonline.com, @jpmorris on Twitter and youtube.com/johnmorrisvideo.

Originally published at John Morris.



John Morris
On Freelancing

I’m a web designer who helps other web designers with two things: 1) how to code and 2) how to market yourself so you can earn your living as a coder.