Tell Me What You Want and You’ll Get It— Said God

And the innocent little girl said: Chocolates

Ajith Balakrishnan Nair
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs
3 min readOct 11, 2023


Image imagined by Midjourney

They sacrificed instinct to phony ambition” — Kae Tempest

Take a look at your life and you’ll know it’s true. The alarm to help you sacrifice sleep for something greater. Skipping breakfast because work is more important. Yes, fried chicken is tasty, but do you want those unhealthy calories? Video games are fun, but grow up already. You don’t want to, but get that shoe polished anyway— your career depends on it. Compromises help relationships. Delay gratification for a more valuable reward.

Hide your true feelings like they were other people’s money

Thinking long-term is considered smart. Struggle and get there. They also say: Live in the present.

If God exists, and tells you one wish of yours will be granted, what would you ask for?

Money? Love? Respect? Fame? Power? Sex with the woman of your dreams? Eternal life? Eternity in Heaven?

If I were God, I’d probably grant whatever you ask for, except for the last one.

But immorality or any impurity or greed must not even be named among you, as is proper among saints” — Ephesians 5:3

Eternity in Heaven? Really? You are one of the greediest of them all. Aim a little lower, will you? You’re just a human after all.

But I am no God, so I guess you’re saved.

I try to be as smart as I can be when defending my stupidity.

“I know smoking feels good and it’s hard to get rid of the addiction, but you know well that smoking kills, right?”

Yes, tobacco kills more than 8 million people each year. About 1.3 million people die each year as a result of road traffic crashes. I’m glad you care. I care about you too. Please don’t use roads.

“Keep a schedule, a timetable, it will help you.”

I don’t think I’ll enjoy the prison you’re in.

“You’re being emotional. Get a hold of yourself.”

Would you have preferred a world of people without emotions?

“You got issues. Start taking those mental health pills again.”

Do you have an issue that I have issues? And you need my help with your issue?

Freedom is not always about walking free on the roads others paved for you.

I ask again: If God exists, and tells you one wish of yours will be granted, what would you ask for?

Who’s got more chances at making God smile — you or the stupid little girl who asked for chocolates?

It’s not easy for me to smile when I look at myself in the mirror. I find the girl in the cover image way more beautiful than me.

Thanks for reading, and I’d appreciate your comments.



Ajith Balakrishnan Nair
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

⭐️ Editor of Follower Booster Hub, The Quantified World, Illumination Videos and Podcasts, and On God⭐️. I am one part of a whole. Nothing more. Nothing less.