38. It’s not a crime to want to cut people off of your life.(100in100)

Randomly Kawtar
Of Human Bondage.
Published in
1 min readSep 22, 2016

We keep feeling this social obligation to not reject people even if all the relationship is doing is creating a resistance within us that will soon turn us into a source of toxic vibes to the other person rather than a source of inspiration and catalysm.

Rejecting a person doesn’t necessarily mean that they’re a bad person, or that you’re being mean, it may only mean that you’re realizing how you’re not on the same vibe and that you aren’t serving each other in a catharctic way even if they may see otherwise.

So do it, cut people off, gently, it’s okay.

It’s only fair for both of you.

Rather than allowing fake and forced relationships to drain your energy, focus your energy on relationships that make you thrive, that bring the truest version of you and invest in it in a marvelous way.

