An Explosive Constellation


The Saturn-Pluto Alignment from January 12, 2020

There is an old Chinese military proverb that a says ’Never give your enemy a martyr!’ Martyrdom is what most floods all subconscious barriers leading people to give 100+ times more of their energy and zeal in any conflict than under ordinary circumstances.

Quasem Soleimani was a charismatic leader, not an ordinary military commander. He will now be treated with all the state pomp as a national symbol for survival and as a hero and religious martyr. This is very dangerous for the West for it will mobilize the hidden falcons in Iranian society and the military, let alone the hidden reserves in the people. Iran is a strong and healthy population and this was a blow to their pride that I really am at pains to find words for …

Mundane astrology predicts that from January, 12, 2020, a Saturn-Pluto Conjunction will dominate the scene of the planetary heavens: coincidentally the exact same constellation overshadowed the outbreak of WW 1, and it will reign for quite some time. It predicts a highly explosive situation for world peace and a perhaps doomed period for international relations.

As for Saturn-Pluto alignments such as Conjunction, Opposition or Square, here are some important quotes taken from Richard Tarnas, Cosmos and Psyche: Intimations of a New World View, New York: Plume, 2006.

Both the first world war and the Second World War began in precise coincidence with virtually exact hard-aspect alignments of Saturn and Pluto, in August 1914 and September 1938, respectively. The most recent Saturn-Pluto alignment occurred in precise coincidence with the events of September 11, 2001, the destruction of the World Trade Center in New York and the attack on the Pentagon in Washington, and the many events set in motion in its wake. In the first half of September 2001, Saturn and Pluto were within 2º of exact opposition. /209

As an archetypal principle, Saturn has long been associated with a complex of meanings that, while multivalent and diverse, nevertheless possess a certain easily discernible coherence and consistency: the hard structures and limitations of material reality and mortal existence, contraction and constraint, deprivation and negation, division and conflict, gravity and gravitas, necessity and finality, the endings of things. Saturn presses things to their conclusion and defines them in their finitude. It expresses itself in such existential realities as aging and maturity, dying and death, labor and duty, suffering and hardship, the weight of time and the past, the wisdom of experience. It governs authority, solidity, security, reliability, established tradition, the status quo, order and system, that which endures and sustains. /211

The first Saturn-Pluto conjunction of the twentieth century coincided with the immediate buildup to and eruption of World War I in 1913–16, first moving to exact alignment during the three months of August, September, and October of 1914, when most of the nations of Europe in rapid succession declared war on each other and mobilized their immense armies to begin the horrific slaughter of the following months and years throughout the conjunction period and beyond. /212

In turn, the immediately following first square, in 1921–23, coincided with the decisive emergence of fascism and totalitarianism in Europe marked by Mussolini’s coming to power in Italy, Stalin’s seizure of the Communist party machinery in the Soviet Union, and the beginning of Hitler’s rise in Germany leading to the beer hall putsch in Munich. /212

My personal take on it is that Trump was succumbing to voices in the American military that since long try to get him into a new war, for various reasons. He resisted first, now he signed up and will continue this new direction without knowing what he does. It is pure madness. The world may go up in flames!

And … to quote from this article … State-ordered assassinations don’t easily square with a rules-based international system, giving Iran license in its response.

Last not least, the predictions of Nostradamus regarding 2020 are on about the same level as those by mundane astrology. A year of challenges to the world order, upheaval, natural catastrophes, and perhaps even a large-scale financial crisis.

