Chinese Astrology v/s Vedic Astrology

The I Ching, Astrology, and Philosophy
3 min readJan 24, 2020

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Photo by Melvin Tan on Unsplash

Chinese & Vedic Astrology are two different stems of the same tree.

Both of these systems follow a very different aspect when it comes to assigning the zodiac signs. The Chinese Astrology takes assigns animals as the zodiac signs whereas the Vedic Astrology takes into account the constellations visible in the sky. One is based on a legend and the other has theories and concepts behind the complex assertions and variations.

Let’s take a look at some of the key differentiation:

Time frame

Chinese Astrology divides astrological signs by years, though Vedic astrology isolates them by months. The Chinese believed that individuals born around the same time share similar characteristics, whereas Vedic astrologers are of the belief that being born even minutes apart can influence the personality of an individual to a great extent.


The 12 zodiac signs in Chinese Astrology are derived from a myth. As per myth, when God was building up a calendar, he gathered every animal on Earth to participate in a race. The initial twelve species to reach the finish line were assigned as signs in the Chinese zodiac. Subsequently, the Rat got in front of the pack through tricky and system, while the fastidious Pig came in last since it was persistently diverted by niggling details.

Vedic Astrology, then again, puts together the 12 zodiac signs with respect to the groups of stars that move through the sky throughout the 12 months of the year. In this manner, the long stretch of January is related to Capricorn since that constellation is directly overhead during that time, though the period of July is connected to Cancer since this is the point at which the Crab is at its peak.

Lunar V/S Solar Calendars

Chinese Astrology depends on the lunar calendar, which is organized by the periods of the Moon. As per the lunar calendar, every month starts with a New Moon and goes on for around 29 days. The western calendar is composed of Earth’s circle around the Sun. As indicated by the western calendar, every month starts on a set date and can last somewhere in the range of 28 and 31 days.

The Elements

Chinese Astrology recognizes the world as being comprised of five components: Fire, Earth, Metal, Water, and Wood. In the lunar calendar, every component is connected to a 2-year time span and administers the propelling powers throughout your life. Fire signs are inspired by excitement; Earth types are persuaded to make secure foundations. People born under the Metal element are driven to create order, while Water types are constrained to frame passionate bonds. Individuals brought into the world under the Wood component are propelled to investigate.

In Vedic Astrology, four components are recognized: Fire, Earth, Air, and Water. Every component is related to three zodiac signs and oversees the common brain research of each gathering. As indicated by western Astrology, signs administered by the Fire component are indiscreet, while Earth component signs are useful. Individuals born under Air signs are mentally arranged, though Water signs are driven by feeling.

Lunar Stages V/S Lunar Nodes

Chinese Astrology places great emphasis on the lunar period of birth. This system of divination links a person's temperament with the phase of the Moon at the time of their birth. There are four kinds of lunar stages: New Moon, Waxing Moon, Full Moon, and Waning Moon. New Moon types are adventurous and seek innovative environments. Waxing Moon individuals are persevering and require legitimacy based frameworks. Full Moon types are diplomatic and search out situations where convection is underscored. Waning Moon individuals are reflective and want a quiet environment.

On the other hand,

Western Astrology recognizes three zodiac sign characteristics:

Cardinal, Fixed, Mutable — every mode is connected to four signs. As indicated by western Astrology, one’s method of birth decides how one works in some random condition. Thus, Cardinal signs look for acknowledgment by getting to be pioneers. Fixed sorts make their imprint through diligent work. Mutable signs form deep personal Connections as a means to fit in.

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The I Ching, Astrology, and Philosophy

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