When Planets Go Backwards!

The I Ching, Astrology, and Philosophy
2 min readFeb 1, 2020
Photo by Lena Bell on Unsplash

In common terms, the term ‘retrogression’ means going or moving backward. This term is also common parlance in the mystic realms of Vedic Astrology. The usage of this term is highly associated with the movement of planets that is when the planets orbit counterclockwise.

Retrogression is a visual illusion created because of the speed at which the planets move in relation to the position of Earth. Hence, it can be further elucidated that the illusion of retrogression takes place when the faster-moving planet passes the slower moving planet in the solar system.

How many times does a planet retrograde?

The answer to this question is highly dependent on the frequency or the number of time the planet passes the earth. For example, Mercury completes its orbit around the Sun in 88 days. When we relate this to Earth year then the mercury appears in retrogression 3–4 times in a year.

Why Retrogression is considered significant in Vedic Astrology?

Vedic Astrology holds retrogression of planets in special significance. It is of the belief that when a planet is in retrogression its impact becomes three times stronger and different from when it is in direct motion. The retrogression of planets is also called ‘Vakriya’ in Vedic Astrology. This apparent retrogression of planets has different impacts on the native and usually unfavorable results. When the malefic planets are in the retrograde they give very bad and unfavorable results whereas when the benefic planets are in retrograde they give very auspicious results.

Some Interesting Retrograde Facts

  • Sun and Moon never retrograde and Rahu and Ketu are always retrograde.
  • One more interesting fact you must know is that whenever the 7th lord is Retrograde there is a delay in marriage of the native. There are only five-planet which sometimes may be direct and retrograde. They are mars, mercury, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn.
  • If in your birth chart Mars or Venus or both are retrograde then you will be a holder of the opposite gender traits. If you are male then you will become emotional and if you are female then you will become aggressive.
  • If in your birth chart Mercury is retrograde then you don’t know when and what to speak on a particular moment. Where you need to speak, you remain quiet and where you need to remain quiet, you speak. This habit of yours gets you into hot water and you are either talkative or reserved.
  • If in your birth chart Jupiter is retrograde then you get matured before your age mentally and physically.
  • If Saturn is retrograde in your birth chart then sorrow comes in plenty in your life. Getting retrograde of Saturn in anyone’s birth chart is not a good sign.

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The I Ching, Astrology, and Philosophy

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