Learning New Things

Ali Spittel
On Learning New Things
1 min readOct 23, 2017

Hi! I’m Ali. I’m a (mostly) self taught software engineer, and my favorite thing to do is to learn new things.

The entire field of development is rapidly evolving — it seems like every day there is a hot new JavaScript framework or code challenge trending on Twitter. It gets really hard to filter out the noise and only stick to learning some of these technologies.

I’ve decided to temporarily throw caution to the wind and try to learn all the things — one thing per week in fact. My plan is to focus on learning one thing a week and then report back here on how it went. Some examples of things I may write about:

This project is mainly for myself — I want to tailor my learning and get exposure to new technologies. I hope that writing this blog will be, in itself, a learning opportunity! I think this project could be helpful for other people too, though. I want to show people my process in picking up new technologies and give credit to the resources that have gotten me there.

So, welcome aboard! I hope all of us can learn some new things together!

