10 Commandments of a Tourist

Or How to Behave After a Pandemic

Published in
2 min readJul 21, 2020


The quarantine is almost over, the virus has calmed down a bit, but it’s too early to send Covid-19 to medical historians😕 For a while, we will live in a post-quarantine world, so we will have to travel confidently but carefully.

After the coronavirus supremacy, our life in society will not be the same. For some time, fear of the surfaces and peoples’ faces without masks on them will be on our heels. Or maybe thoughts that at this very time some bracelet virus is making its way into our lives will follow us all around. You need to take care of yourself anyway, so we have prepared a list of reasonable precautions that we follow ourselves and recommend you do the same.

So, here are 10 commandments of a tourist traveling after a pandemic.

Read in a humble and monotone voice 😁

1. Regardless of whether the demand for Chinese dishes drops down, we promise not to try meat from unknown animals.

2. We will carry several types of fragrant soap with us in order to deter viruses and, if necessary, offer soap to a friend.

3. Measure the necessary distance by eye or ruler and do not approach strangers more than 1.5 meters 👉

4. Before flights, we promise to take a disinfectant shower with a sanitizer.

5. If we fly to Hong Kong, we will not refuse to visit the cabin for passenger’s disinfection.

6. Wear a mask from Onlife day and night 😇

7. Make friends and relatives angry with questions about whether they washed their hands well after going to the restr… into the fresh air.

8. Wash hands carefully!

9. We will not be picking our nose while in public places.

10. And, of course, we promise not to be hypochondriacs, and not to crown an ordinary cold or cough.

May these commandments and Onlife save you from tiaraviruses and dangerous behavior.

See you soon!

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